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.9,000 Profit From Ew Fares Expected
isRE increases granted on Monday to Hull Corporation will enable the ertaking to avoid a deficit next year leave a £19,000 surplus to be used reserve fund for buying new......
Hree Companies Told "no Fare Increases"
-MEE South Wales bus companies were last week refused fare increases gned to yield a total of more than 000. They were the Western Welsh nibus Co., Ltd.. South Wales Trans: Co.,......
I* Ford Workers Laid Off ( Wednesday. 10.000 Employees Of
the Ford Motor Co., Ltd.. had been off because of a strike by 250 door :mblers. The executive of the ional Union of Vehicle Builders ded on Tuesday to recognize the oute as......
£220,000 Bus Orders From Home Market
D URING the past month, Leyland Motors, Ltd., have received orders to the value of over £220,000 to supply buses to home operators. Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., require 20......
Indian Hauliers Told: No Nationalization Yet
R OAD transport in India will not be nationalized during the next five years. This assurance was given to operators in Bangalore by the Minister for Transport and Communication,......
New U.t.a. Bus In Service
THE first of 24 new double-deckers was put into service last week by the Ulster Transport Authority. It has a front entrance divided by a handrail so that passengers for the......
Mobil's Safest Drivers Nrivers From The Terminal Of The
Mobil Oil Co., Ltd., in Estuary Road. King's Lynn, have won the company's safe-driving competition for 1958. They received awards on Monday. It is one of Mobil's smallest......
Darham's New Offices
N "premises at 17 Surrey Street. London. W.C.2, will be taken over on Monday by Darharn Industries (London), Ltd.......
Big Loss Of Railway Coal Traffic Rt A Reminder That British
Railways' coal carryings last year were substantially below those of 1957 was given at Blackburn, last week, when the British Transport Commission opposed an application by H.......
E9 Bus Clerk Handled £600 A Week: Stole
A CLERK who stole £6 8s. 8d. belonging to his employers, Barton Transport, Ltd., was stated at Melton Mowbray to be in a position of trust, handling between £600 and £700 a......
More Electrics For Canada L'lectric Trucks Valued At...
are to be supplied by Smith's Delivery Vehicles, Ltd., to Canadian dairies. In the past two years the company have sold vehicles worth more than 040.000 to Canada.......
South Africa To Produce?
T HEpossibility of manufacturing commercial vehicles and cars in South Africa for the home and export markets is to be considered by the Board of Trade and Industries. They are......