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International: Truce On Elkport'.fillips F "a Period Of...
shotild be nb increase in the provision by European Governments of artificial incentives for exporters. This is the . effect of an agreement reached by the Council of European......
Extra Concession For L.c.c.
T HE London County Council have entered into a contract with the Esso Petroleum Co., Ltd., for the supply of standard-grade petrol and Dery for 12 months to next October. They......
Application Withdrawn: Rebuke By Authority When Overland...
Ltd., Yardley, last week withdrew at the last minute their application for a. new group of 137 excursions and tours, the West Midland Licensing Authority said: "Without any......
In A Line Or Two Ferodo, Ltd., Have Opened A Branch At...
The fuel-tanker drivers' claim for an increase in wages is to be submitted to arbitration. Pilgrim Mobile Units, Ltd., haVe moved their London office to St. Stephen's House,......
Work Suspended On Crush-loaders
B ECAUSE of the Minister of Transport's proposals to limit the number of standing passengers in crushload single-deck buses to half the seating capacity, Southampton Transport......
Crush-loaders Disliked
D EROGATORY. comments were made at last week's meeting of Shrewsbury Trades Council about crush-load single-deckers introduced in Shrewsbury by the Birmingham and Midland Motor......
£41,000 For "no Standing"
T HE. elimination of standing passengers in buses would cost Rotherham Transport Department at leas! 00,000 a year. The operating cost of The -Mexborough and Swintor Traction......
Big Export Conference
D ELEGATES from 35 countrie attended a conference of Lucas C.A.V. and Girling overseas agents an company executives in London las week. Matters discussed included sale......