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Incomplete Application No Ground For Refusal
N appeal by Scottish Omnibuses, ILtd., and the Railway Executive ainst the grant of a licence to St. tthbert's Co-operative Association, d., by the Sc o tt is h Licensing......
New Regulations On Reversing Lights
N EW regulations on reversing lights came into force on November 1. They require that no vehicle shall carry more than two such lights. A reversing light must be electric and......
Cleethorpes Wants Grimsby's Co-operation It Has Been...
R. E. Dove, chairman of Cleethorpes Transport Committee, that if Grimsby would co-operate with their suggestions on the routes on which there was through running, the financial......
No Compulsory Testing
W HILST he could not contemplate introducing a system of compulsory vehicle testing because of the expense entailed in setting up and manning the necessary stations, the......
Still Hope Of Higher Speed
T HE question of the 20 m.p.h. speed limit for heavy goods vehicles was not a closed book, the Minister of Transport stated in the House of Commons last week.......
Minister Relies On B.t.c.
" j CONFIDENTLY rely on the 1 British Transport Commission to make the best arrangements they can to carry on the existing undertaking without avoidable disturbance of the......
Mother Camp Appeal Dismissed
HE Minister of Transport has dismissed with costs the appeal of isdowne Motors, Fleetwood, against decision of the North Western §nsing Authority refusing to grant n a licence......