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Shortage Of Lime Vehicles In North
E VIDENCE concerning the shortage of vehicles suitable for the transport of bulk lime, limestone and crushed granite was given before the Northern Licensing Authority last week.......
Answer To Higher Wage Costs " We Cannot Absorb Any
s.gnikcant vy increase in wage costs until we adjust the tempo of our production. This may involve greater mechanization in order that we become more competitive," said Sir......
360 Electruks For "co-op." .
A S part of their mechanization programme, the London Co-operative Society are taking delivery of 360 Electruk milk vehicles. The capacity of each vehicle is 90 gallons. A32......
New M.e. Tyre Remover A New Type Of Tyre Remover
capable of dealing with sizes from 6.00 by 20-in. to 10.00 by 20-in, has been produced by Mann Egerton and Co., Ltd., 5 Prince of Wales Road, Norwich. In use the wheel is placed......
' Standard To Make Oilers
S TANDARD commercial vehicles with 48 b.h.p. oil engines will go into production in the New Year. They are expected to cost about £100 more than the comparable petrol-engined......
New London Coach Park
P LANNING permission for a temporary coach park on the site of a warehouse at the Marylebone marshalling and goods yards has been given by London County Council. It will be used......
£2.2m. Compensatio Still Owing
rOMPENSATION payments nationalized hauliers ascertain and outstanding at September amounted to £2.2m. Part of this st was the balance, after making paymei on account, of agreed......
Lighting An Insurance Against Accidents
T "provision of effective str lighting was a small insure.' towards saving the country money z reducing road casualties, said Mr. Carpenter, Blackpool's lighting offic when he......
One Accident Per 33,991 Mi! I N The Three Years
ended Septeml British Road Services' vehicles IA involved in one accident for er 33,991 miles travelled—an average one accident per vehicle per year. ' term " accidents "......
Copper Product Inquiry
T HE Monopolies and Restric Practices Commission, 3 Corn , Terrace, London, N.W.1, are examit the arrangements in the copper copper-based alloy sheet, strip, u tube, rod and......