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Radius Cut: New Hearing
'TER hearing an appeal by Mr. S. W. Gosling, of Gomersal, near ford, against the decision of the :shire . Licensing Authority to ce the radius on one of his B ces from 60 miles......
Mr. Braithwaite Resigns
B ECAUSE of ill health, Mr. J. Gurney Braithwaite, Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation, has resigned. Mr. Braithwaite, who is 58, has......
Hauliers Do Farmers' Work
L ABOUR shortage was forcing farmers to employ hauliers to do work which they once did themselves, Mr. Maurice Hughes, a Middletown farmer, told the West Midland Deputy......
Thesiger Committee Finish The Thesiger Committee, Who, As...
week, met again on October 29, do not expect to hold further meetings. It may be assumed, therefore, that they agreed on the draft of their report to the Minister of Transpott.......
Export Record This Year
E XPORTS of Bedford commercial vehicles and Vauxhall cars this year are expected to be 20 per cent. higher than those of last year. In the first eight months of this year,......