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Most Congestion Surprise Rates Move In Common In The World
" B RITAIN already has the most congested roads in the world, and in 10 years' time the traffic will have doubled." This was said in London last week by Mr. C. D. Buchanan, of......
More Ambulances For Manchester
ECOMMENDATIONS that for a temporary period of 12 months the health committee should operate five additional ambulances and engage up to 12 extra temporary driver-attendants will......
FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT T HE Luxembourg Government has decided to introduce the publication of all rates for hire-or-reward commercial transport_ As rail rates are already......
L.a. Backs Probe Into Licensing System
T HE formation of a committee to examine the licensing system was supported by the West Midland Licensing Authority, Mr. J. Else, last week at the annual dinner of the West......
T.r.t.a. Moving H.q.
THE Traders Road Transport Associa tion is moving office. From October 16 the new address will be 1-11 Hay Hill, London, W.1. The present telephone number—Hyde Park 3017—......