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New Containers Available In U.k. Next Year
1AARKET1NG of Universal transport IV I containers is to be undertaken by Highways Trailers (Great Britain), Ltd. Initial supplies are scheduled for delivery early in 1962. These......
Amendments To Warning Instruments Rules
A MENDMENTS to the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations, 1955, Audible Warning Instruments are being considered by the Minister of Transport. It is proposed to......
Testing Plan Rejected
Q RMSKIRK Urban Council have rejected an application by Leyland Motors, Ltd., to use the runways of the disused aerodrome at Burscough for research testing of prototype......
Hauliers' Creditors Meet
H AULAGE companies' failures led to a meeting of creditors in Nottingham last week. William Pollard Temple, 43, former haulage firms' director, of Strelley Lane, Strelley,......
American Dodges For 1962
T "programme of commercial vehicles announced for 1962 by the American Dodge organization comprises 141 basic models, ranging from a 4-ton forward-control delivery van to......
Vehicle Testing Age May Be Lowered
T HE Minister of Transport, Mr. Ernest Marples, proposes to lay before Parliament early in its new session an Order reducing from 10 years to seven years the age limit of......
Swiss Buy More Vehicles
S TATISTICS issued from Berne show that, over the first half of the current year. Switzerland imported 7,240 commercial road vehicles worth a total of 60,100.000 francs. This......