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Indicators That Vary For Day And Night
A FLASHING indicator system incorrt porating resistances which enable the brightness of the rear indicators to be reduced at night has been developed by Joseph Lucas, Ltd. The......
Nitrogen In Their Tyres
TRANSPORT operators in South L Africa are said to be obtaining better service from tyres by filling them with nitrogen instead of air. The gas is stored in cylinders at 1,980......
London Lo.t.a. Gives 1961-62 Plans
A T a Press conference last week details were given of the programme for the 1961-62 season of the London Centre of the Institute of Traffic Administracon. The season starts......
"fit Traffic Indicators," Says Surveyor
riOACH and bus firms, hauliers and other operators of large vehicles in Somerset are being asked to consider fitting traffic indicators on their vehicles. The request is being......
£150,000 Bus Contract
QOUTH AFRICAN RAILWAYS have t•—• 1 awarded a contract worth nearly £150,000 to Bus_ Bodies, Ltd., Port Elizabeth, in respect of 60 buses. A spokesman for Bus Bodies said that......