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Workers Prevent U.a.s.from Gunning Hartlepool Service
A CTION by employees Of the State-owned United Automobile. 1-1 . Services, Ltd.; Darlington, has prevented the company from completing an agreement made with Hartlepool......
Spurling Maintenance Difficulty
B ECAUSE of the growing popularity of the oil engine, Spurling Motor Bodies, Ltd., were faced with the problem of finding additional floor space for specialized maintenance.......
Anthony Bodies For Korean Austins Aany Of The Austin...
which, /Y.I. as reported last week, are to be , sent to Korea for rehabilitation work, are to be fitted with steel bodies and tipping gear by Anthony Hoists, Ltd Twenty-five......
Haulage Amalgamation Pecialists In Railway Cartage, 4--)...
and Son, Southend, have been taken over . by National Parcels and Goods Services, Ltd. The combined business will be known as Essex Carriers. Mr. Harold Jacob, who has......
Cleethorpes And Grimsby. Merger?
E XPLORATORY talks have begur over a projected merger of the municipal bus undertakings of Clee. thorpes and Grimsby. Reports havt been requested from the general man. agers. It......
North British And Dominion Consolidate The Sales And...
zations of • the North Britist Rubber Co., Ltd., Edinburgh, and tht Dominion Rubber Co., Ltd., London have been consolidated to give moms efficient service and quicker......
" Watch For Waiting Bans" A Ncillary Users Should Be On Tht
alert for the possible imposition a traffic restrictions affecting the loadinn and unloading of their vehicles, Thi: point was emphasized by speakers at tin annual meeting in......
London Bus Pay Claim Cubstantial Increases In Pay Ar,
now being claimed . by more thai 68,000 employees of London Transport This follows the wage claims submittet recently on behalf of _165,000 , bu workers employed by private......
Ferodo In Brazil
T HE controlling interest in a Braziliai brake-facing company, Industri. National de Lonas Para Freio, S.A has been acquired by Turner an Newall, Ltd., on behalf of their sub......