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Disbandment Of Executives
T FIE Executives of the British .Tran port Commission, except Lando Transport, are to be disbanded afts September 30. Lord Hurcomb, B.T.t chairman, and Sir William Wood ai to......
Minister Overrules Appeal Inspector
THE Minister of Transport has over' ruled Mr. J. M. Glen, an inspector of the Ministry, and has dismissed an appeal by G. H. Austin and Sons, Ltd., against the West Midland......
1'40 First-aid: Fined
S UMMONED at Stratford on Avon, last week, for failing to carry a suitable receptacle containing first-aid dressings and appliances in a coach, Mr. S. C. Vagg and Mr. J. Vagg,......
Post Available
A POST is available as assistant to tl sales engineer of a leading cot mercial vehicle maker. Apprenticesh or the equivalent training in automobi engineering and experience with......
Tram Conversion In Montreal
A N assurance that the necessary /Abuses will soon be available has enabled the Montreal Transportation Commission to proceed with a largescale tram-conversion programme. The......