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Leicester To Cut Fares : New Increase At Birmingham
)ASSENGERS on Leicester City Council's buses will benefit by an .timated £18,000 a year if the East lidland Licensing Authority approves ie corporation's application to reduce......
New Design Of Oil-engined Van
P IONEER builders and users of lightweight oil-erigined vans, St. Cuthbert's Co-operative Association have now constructed a vehicle for laundry work in which a four-cylindered......
Central S.m.t. Told • To Improve Service
R EFUSING an application by Messrs. Frank Galloway and Sons, Shotts, to run an express service between Shafts and Glasgow, the Scottish Licensing Authority last week advised the......
Revenue At Peak Ar. G. Armstrong, Manager /vi Of Exeter
Transport Department, believes that the undertaking's revenue has reached its peak and that any further increase in fares would prove abortive. He says in his annual report that......
New Plastic Piping
A NEW type of plastic petrol piping has been produced by Creators, Ltd., New Haw, Weybridge, Surrey, for attachment to a number of types of connection. Known as Replace-a-pipe,......
In A Line Or Two
The new Dunlop factory in Brazil, now iearing completion, is scheduled to begin iroduction this year. The Minister of Transport has given anction for work to start on the......