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U.t.a. Rate Issue For High Court ?.
T " question of whether the Ulster Transport Tribunal have the power to fix maximum charges higher than the chargeable rates, and, if so, Whether they should be 10 per cent.......
New Ben Zole Depot I - A A New Depot Has Been Opened At
Plymouth by the National•Benzole Co., Ltd., to serve an area bounded by Dartmouth... Rude. Wadcbridge and Fowey Six tanks afford a storage capacity of 218,000 gal. The garage......
Court Ruling On Lime-spreaders L Ime-spread1ng Vehicles...
engin( and therefore liable for a lower rate c tax. This was the effect of a decisio of the Queen's Bench Divisional Cour which • last week heard an appeal h the Berkshire Lime......
Daimler Rebuilding Complete The Daimler Co., Ltd., Has
completed the rebuilding and O organization of their factory Radford, Coventry, which was severe] bombed during the war. There is no a new foundry for iron, steel and not......
Frozen Beer In Containers'
E XPERIMENTS have been conducte 1 ---1 for some time by the Departmer of Scientific and Industrial Rescarc into the possibilities of freezing beer I simplify its handling in......
Fisher And Ludlow To Sell A N Offer For All The
ordinary shah of Fisher and Ludlow, Ltd., hi been made by the British Motor Co poration. A value of £3.5m is put upo the stock in the proposed terms, an holders are offered......
Make Do And Mend To Save £13,800, Newport Corpor;
don propose that instead of huyir 10 new buses in the next financial yea six old vehicles should be reconditionei making it necessary to purchase on four new models.......
Traffic Officers As " Snoopers "
T WO traffic officers who boarded a coach hired for a private party were referred to as " snoopers " by the Lord Chief Justice in 'the High Court last week. He heard an appeal......