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800 Amendments To Transport Bill
INCONTROVERTIBLE evidence of 1 the widespread opposition to the Transport Bill Is provided by the great number of amendments proposed. Apart from about 40 amendments tabled by......
Will London's Traffic Problems Be Solved?
/FEANS for relieving the congestion 1U1 of London's streets are under consideration by the London and Home Counties Traffic Advisory Council. As its recommendations reach the......
Fruit Trade Does Not Accept Assurances It Is Pointed Out
by the National Fede1 ration of Fruit and Potato Trades, Ltd., that the prospect of State control of transport continues to be uppermost in the minds of all distributors,......
Scots Interview Minister
T "plea that the machinery to be set up under the Transport Bill should have regard to the special needs of Scotland, was made by a deputation to Mr. A. Barnes, Minister of......
197 Leyland Men Strike
A STRIKE of 197 members of the 1 - 1National Union of Vehicle Builders employed at Leyland Motors, Ltd., Leyland, started on January 30. Coach painters, trimmers, finishers and......
B Licences Granted For 200 Vehicles Ten Scottish Hauliers ,
opposed the 1 granting of 200 B licences to Associated Deliveries, Ltd., Reading, the vehicles of which would operate from Glasgow, Edinburgh, Inverness and Montrose. Groceries,......
Five-day Week Causing Severe Waste Of Transport Transport...
wasted and 1 congestion is occurring because collections and deliveries cannot be made on Saturday mornings at the premises of concerns that have adopted the fiveday week. With......
State Transport Would Kill Bradford's Trade In A...
opposition 1 to the Transport Bill, Bradford Chamber of Commerce states: "The trade and industry of Bradford depend to a large extent on the import and export of wool and......