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Austin Factory Closed
O N Monday, the Austin Motor Go., Ltd., dosed its Longbridge factory because of lack of coal. Some 15,000 workers were stood off. They are guaranteed a 34-hour working week, so......
150,000 For Ideas On Welding
A WARDS totalling £50,000 will be made to successful competitors in the third competition to be held by the James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation. In previous competitions......
Exhibition Covering German Technical Information
A N exhibition designed to illustrate the methods by which German scientific and technical intelligence is gathered, how it is dealt with, and how the individual industrialist,......
If Tyre Need Becomes Desperate
A NY operator who finds that he will have to withdraw vehicles from service because of a shortage of tyres should approach the manufacturer, who will give the case the utmost......
Mr. Strauss Begs To Meer
T HE Minister Of Transport is to give traders ample opportunity to apply for permits to operate beyond The 40-mile limit before the provisioas of the Transport Bill come into......
Fares Increases Opposed .
A T an inquiry in Sheffield, on. Janua ry 30, local municipal authorities and trade unions opposed recent increases in trolleybus fares imposed by the Mex borough and Swinton......
In A Line Or Two It Is Reported That Britain
is buying 10,000 American 20 h.p. petrol engines to be fitted to agricultural machines built in this country. Data sheets on aluminium casting alloys (1-.A.C.11313 and Y alloy)......