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Motor Exports Total £1,000,000 -a Week
D URING 1946, the British motor industry exported cars, commercial vehicles, and accessories to the value of 111,000,000 a week, or more than three times the value of exports in......
Court Of Inquiry Report On • Sale
T HE report of the Court of inquiry set up by the Minister of Labour to investigate the grievances of roadhaulage workers, has now been published by H.M. Stationery Office at......
Buying Bungled
WHENEVER the present Government VY had had a hand in buying anything for the country, the Nation had been called upon to meet a deficit, said Viscount Long of Wraxall at a......
Copper Tubes Made By Die And Punch
A N unusual example of the extraordinary ductility of copper was cited by Mr. B. H. Thorp, M.Sc.. A.M.I.Mech.E., mechanical engineer to the Copper Development Association, in a......
Death Of Mr. I. A. Oldbury We Regret To Announce
the death of IN Mr. Joseph Alfred Oldbury, J.P., who was for 25 years Midland manager of Temple Press Ltd. He joined the company in 1896, resigning in 1921, and later became......
East Midland Petition A Nother Petition, Signed By 40,000...
in the East Midland Traffic Area, has been submitted to the House of Commons in opposition to the Transport Bill.......
Why 40-mi1e Limit Would Be Hardship
R EPRESENTATIVES of the National Conference of Trade and Industry on Transport (Liverpool District and North Wales Section) comprised a deputation to Mr. C. N. Shawcross, M.P.,......
Transport Control 700 Years Ago
G OODS transport by road was con%—. 1 trolled as far back as the 13th century, said Mr. Percy Sharman, Master of the Worshipful Company of Carmen, speaking in • London on......
Road-rail Fight Resumed
k./ ( — IN February 12-13, the Appeal iri bunal will hear an appeal by Messrs. J. F. Lloyd against a decision of the North-Western Licensing Authority, with the G.W. and L.N.E.......
More Anti-nationalization Meetings
UTEETINGS to discuss the nationalizaaltion of transport have been arranged as follow: February 17: Lincoln Rotary Club; speaker, Capt. F. G. Ribbings. February 18:......