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Government Inquiry Into Petrol Stations
THE Minister of Transport has appoffited a committee, under the chairmanship of Lord Waleran, to inquire into technical matters which arise in connection with the arrangement......
Ford Breaks Export Records
D AGENAAM'S contribution to Britain's export trade in motor vehicles in 1946 amounted to £8,810,000. The value of exports of the entire trade was in the region of 00,000,000.......
Petrol Versus Oil (in February 18, At 6.30 P.m., Mr.
L, W. J. Hancock, of F. Perkins, Ltd., will speak on " Economies of Operation in Relation to Petrol and Heavy Oil Vehicles," before members of the Industrial Transport......
R.h.a. Leaders Confident
It/IANY guests attended the annual IVI dinner and dance of the Metropolitan Eastern Sub-area of the 12.H.A.,.at Buckhurst Hill, last Monday. Mr. N. D. Crafford; the chairman,......
Bill Will Cripple Building Trade
" n UR lengthy experience has taught \- 1 us to abandon rail transport for almost all building materials for distances up to 100 miles and, in the case of specific materials,......
"war Neurosis" Caused • Haulage Strike
A T a dinner held by the Birmingham Spb-area of the Road : Haulage Association on January 31, Mr. R.. Stuart Pitcher, C.B.E., F.R.S.E., West Midland Licensing Authority and......
International Management Congress In Stockholm
T HE eighth International Manage' ment Congress is to be held in Stockholm from July 3 to 8 under the auspices of the International Committee of Scientific. Management. Arrange......
Commer Distributor's 25th Anniversary Naore Than 400...
friends of Manton Motors, Ltd., Croydon, main distributor for Commer and Karrier, and service agent for Perkins oil engines, celebrated the company's 25th anniversary at a......