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Highway In Full Production
A RANGE Of semi-trailers is now in full production at Highway Trailers (Great Britain) Ltd. Straight-frame models consist of 10and 12-ton singleaxle units, a 15-tonner with......
'keep Dock Depot Open'
NAAJOR point of discussion at the first 1VL meeting of the T.R.T.A.'s newly formed highways and traffic committee was the promised closure of the Port of London's reception......
U.s. 8 X 8—with A Difference O Ne Of The Latest
vehicle types to have been produced by the American Four Wheel Drive concern is a 30-tongross eight-wheeler of decidedly unusual layout. It has a single front axle, and three......
Political And Parliamentary
Escorting Big Loads I -1 A SHORT debate is to he held in the Commons about police escorts for large loads on the road—and on the fact that no charges are made for this service.......
Setback For New Regulations
THE regulations saying that pedestrian' controlled vehicles are not motor vehicles received a set-back in their progress through Parliament last week when there was stiff......
Next Week: Municipal Transport Issue
A ROAD TEST of the Yorkshire Litterlifter, special articles on fire " appliances for off-the-road work, the bulk handling of refuse, and the organization of a big centralized......