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London Transport Productivity And A New Private Service
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT ON DON TRANSPORT chiefs are expected to approach leaders of its busmen shortly and propose the reopening of talks on higher productivity. In......
Coventry Reaffirms Choice Of Leyland
C OVENTRY City Council's transport committee has confirmed that it proposes that buses are to be bought from outside the city. The recommendation is subject to City Council......
London Bus Off To Bavaria
(NE of London's 72-seater Route master buses left Chiswick last Saturday on the first stage of a 1,250mile Continental journey. The bus, RML 902, is going to Munich to take part......
Work-to-rule Plan Dropped The East Kent Road Car Co. Ltd.
I announced that the Transport and General Workers' Union had withdrawn its proposal that bus crews should "work to rule ", which was due to start on June I.......
New Single-decker From Leyland ?
DARK ROYAL VEHICLES LTD. is to I build 20 single-deck bus bodies on a new Leyland chassis of horizontal underfloor rear-engined layout for Manchester Corporation Transport......
&et. Award To Be Annual
THE Council of the Institute of Trans' port announces that the B.E.T. Road Passenger Transport Award, hitherto available for award once in three years, is to be available......
Higher Fares In The North East T He Northern General...
Co. Ltd., United Automobile Services Ltd., and the Venture Transport Co., which operate in the north east, are to seek higher fares to offset the latest wage increase. Newcastle......
.and North West O N June 28 Cumberland Motor Services Ltd.
is to apply to the Northern Traffic Commissioners for increases in the lower ranges of fares. The company wishes to increase town fares by a halfpenny and country fares in the......