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Many Tippers Sought In N. Western And Met. Areas
LL ARGEST application notified this week is in the North West area, where Walsh Transport (Bolton) Ltd. has requested a variation of their B licence by the addition of 12......
APPLICATIONS (May 29, 1963) Blue Band Motors, Carlisle, A var., add I veh. (341). Fruit, textiles, eggs, millboard, tinned fruit, building mats., foodstuffs, agrie, requisites,......
North Western
APPLICATIONS (May 31, 1963) J. E. Brookes, Alsager, new 13 tic., 8 veh. (2940. Roadrnaking mats., excavation mats., building mats., contractors' plant tools within 50 miles. C.......
West Midland
APPLICATIONS liMaY 30, 1963) E. IL Slott, Blimp, A var., add 3 art. (1510. Enamelware for Allied Ironfounders Ltd.. Elston, and steel pressings for Joseph Sankey and Sons Ltd........
East Midland
APPLICATIONS tMay 29, 19631 Philip Smith (Beeston) Ltd.,. Preston (Notts), A var.. add 6 veh. (25t 1(k). (Tf granted 6 veh. will be deleted from contract A lie.) W. Orange......
APPLICATIONS (June 5, 1963) B. Hhiebliffe, Brighouse. new A fie., 2 veh. (71). Road and building plan land mats. West Riding of Yorkshire. K. D. WriggIesworth, Dewsbury, new A......