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'an Industry Must Pay Its Way' C Ommenting On The Future
of British Railways, particularly as it will operate if the Beechin g Plan is finally adopted, the Institute of Traffic Administration, in a statement issued last week,......
Fuel Consumption F Igures Published By The Petroleum...
that U.K. demand for petroleum products in 1962 was 10.6 per cent hi g her than in 1961. Excluding bunkers for ships en g a g ed in forei g n trade, total deliveries were......
C.i.e.'s Greater Loss
I N the year endin g March 31 last, C.I.E., the Eire State transport company, had an operatin g loss even g reater than the L1,696,000 for the precedin g year. This was revealed......
King's Lynn Lorry Parking
T HE police at Kin g 's Lynn, Norfolk. have introduced a new system under which lorries parked overnight in unofficial parkin g places are checked and notices are stuck on the......
Dangerous Goods Rules Revised International Regulations...
of dan g erous goods by rail have recently been revised. The En g lish translation of the new edition (price £1) can be obtained from Stationery Office or through any......
Butane By Road
IN connection with a country-wide I expansion scheme of Jet Petroleum Ltd., new stora g e cylinders for butane g as for industrial use are bein g erected on a site of some 14......