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" 20 " Meeting On April 20
T HE speed limit for heavy goods vehicles will be discussed again by the National Joint Industrial Council on April 20. The employer's panel of the Road Haulage Wages Council......
P.t.a. Still Press For Denationalization
P RESSURE is still being exerted by the Public Transport Association for the denationalization of the road passenger transport industry. They had two meetings last year with the......
More Pay For B.r.s. Fitters Qubstantial Pay Increases For ■
-) maintenance and repair grades have been agreed with the Transport and General Workers' Union by British Road Services, -and are effective from this week. Skilled workers will......
R.h.a. Condemn Tolls The Road Haulage Association On I...
wrote to all Members of Parliament. asking them to oppose the levying of highway tolls on commercialvehicle users. As motor taxation yielded £400m. a year, there was no......