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Men In The News
MR. J. V. KLEIN, joint managing director of the Compollex Co., Ltd., is visiting Continental markets, particu larly Holland, Bel g ium and Italy. MR. JouN A. DENNE and MR. A. E......
More Money For Transport Workers
E MPLOYEES in the motor-vehicle retail and repairin g trade have been g ranted substantial pay increases under an a gr eement reached by the National Joint Industrial Council......
Handling Films Free On
LOAN A MONG the films catalo g ued for the new free-loan department of the Central Film Library, Government 13romyard Avenue, London, W.3, are two concernin g mechanical......
Big Order For Electrics
A FURTHER lar g e order for 25-cwt. r". battery-electric milk floats has been placed with Wales and Edwards, Ltd., Shrewsbury, by Mickleover Transport, Ltd., the transport......