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Air Ministry Advice On Leave Services
A N Air Ministry memorandum to all Commands, laying down the probedure in the arrangement of leave coach services, was quoted by Mr. Alex Robertson, Scottish Deputy Licensing......
Competition Being Stopped? A S Hauliers Were Combining To...
vent rate-cutting. should not the 1953 Act be repealed as its basis of ree competition was thus nullified? fhis question was put to the Minister tf Transport in the House of......
Ipprentices' Education Poor A Ction Is Necessary To Raise...
educational standard of apprentices ntering the vehicle building industry. - his point is to be discussed at the nnual confer:ince of the National imployers' Association of......
Dispute In Progress For 25 Years
A 25-YEAR-OLD dispute between 1 - 1 Newport Town Council and W. Alexander and Sons, Ltd.. concerning the continuing use of Boat Road for bus stands was described at a resumed......
Flat Engine' To Boost Markets
T HE inclusion of the horizontal 4HDC330 engine in the standard range of Henry Meadows, Ltd., was part of a development programme to expand home and overseas markets, Mr. A. D.......
New Gearbox Plant
1 - 1. A NEW factory to contain the auto mobile gearbox division of the David Brown Gear Group is to be built next to the headquarters at Lockwood. Huddersfield. The factory,......