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Eyland-seammell Merger Talks
was announced by Scarnmell rries, Ltd., last week, that they holding discussions with Leyland rs, Ltd., with a view to an arnal;ion through an exchange al' Negotiations are......
Prison For "pirate" 'ine Of £20 And Four Months' Nprisonment
were imposed upon rd Healey, of Liverpool, by le county magistrates for using a Cs licence which belonged to er person, and using his lorry ut a carrier's licence. : police......
Appeal Against Fares 'resentatives Of North'stern Local...
in Newcastle last week o appeal against fare increases lv granted to bus operators in the The Commercial Motor, March & vigilance committee to decide action in future......
Conference Discusses Rural Services
A CONFERENCE to discuss alleged inadequate bus services in North Northumberland and on Tweedside was held at Berwick last week. Representatives of local authorities contended......
Vauxhall Export Records R Xports Of Vauxhall Motors,...
three new records during the first quarter of this year. Compared with the corresponding period of 1954, the number of vehicles sent overseas, at 20,235, was higher by 8 per......
Leyland Sales Up Nuring The First Six Months Of The
current financial year, Leyland Motors, Ltd., received 40 per cent. more orders than during the latter six months of the previous financial year.......
New Rate Seale For Removers
i-HE following revised fair average charges for 1,000-cu.-ft. pantechnicons have been suggested to members of the National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers:—......
Hulley Hand-over
T HE isolated Ashbourne group of services of Henry Hulley and Sons, Ltd., Baslow, Derbyshire, has been handed over to Mr. W. Warrington, Ilam. The services cover two routes from......