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Bridge Works To Have Priority
QTRENGTHENING of bridges over kJ railways on trunk roads will have high priority in the road programme recently announced by the Minister of Transport. Bridges shown to be......
Frames Try To
A CLAIM that it was unjust for his clients to be " chained " to Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., who were stern competitors for foreign tourists, was made by Mr. J. Amphlett, in......
Recover Tours
Southdown had operated extended tours for years, whereas Frames, who were mainly booking agents, would be new operators in this field. As such they had to prove that the......
"amazement" Over Tax Cuts
" M AZ ED to read you have I - I made further substantial and ex-Budgetary cuts in purchase tax on luxury goods, including jewellery and dogs with corkscrew tails, whilst......
Standard Oiler At Brussels?
O Wednesday it was still uncertain 1, -./ as to whether the Standard exhibit at the Brussels Show would include an example of the new oil-engined chassis. The power unit is a......
B.r.s. Pay Claim Refused
A N application for a substantial increase in pay from the administrative, professional, technical, supervisory and clerical grades of British Road Services has been rejected.......
Extra 3d. An Hour
W HEN the increase of 4s. a week in the wages of haulage workers comes into effect, removers will be recommended by the National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and......
New Transport Manager
A FTER having for 12 years been assistant to the transport controller of Marcom, Ltd., the Government sponsored margarine and cooking-fat distribution company, Mr. E. C.......