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Redundancy In Kind
OPERATORS faced with making redundancy payments need not necessarily do so in cash. It is possible with the employee's co-operations to make the payment in kind. A spokesman for......
Lota Open Forum
THE recently formed Essex and North Kent centre of the Institute of Traffic Administration is holding a high level open forum at Thurrock Technical College, Grays, Essex, on......
Drivers Sit-in Protest
ABOUT 30 drivers, mechanics and office staff employed by Southern Car Delivery, Warrington, are staging a sit-in in protest against the closure of the depot. They promised that......
Action Call On Driver Poaching
URGENT action to stop the poaching of trained lorry drivers by own-account operators is being demanded by the Road Haulage Association. This week, Mr G. K. Newman,......
Anglian Transport Training
A GROUP of East Anglian hauliers have combined to set up a new company, Cambridge Transport Training Ltd. The company is jointly owned by Mid Anglia, HGV Training Ltd and Road......