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It's All At The Co-op Now !
Overseas owner-drivers get together "to beat the freight forwarders" IT'S all at the Cop-op now, says the advert—and a group of owner-drivers got the message and came to London......
University Challenge
This year's customers' dinner organised by Midlands BRS at Magdalen College, Oxford, was a notably cheerful affair in the midst of so much economic gloom. It is always a rather......
Business Barometer
Peter Thompson, newly catapulted from BRS into the top operating executive job at NFC, reckoned you could tell whether or not it was a good year for transport by the way the......
Gone Fishing
The Oxford dinner was almost end-of-contract time for Reg Cole, that doyen of contracts managers. In three weeks he retires, after 40 very successful years in transport. He's......
There was news, too, of another ex-BRS/NFC senior executive—Len Payne, now with Sainsburys. He's been very ill in St Thomas's Hospital, London, but I'm told he's hoping to be......
Stable Trucks
In all the public hoo-ha about Chrysler the truck side has, mercifully, figured very little. Now I have it on good authority that, with the settling of the Chrysler UK business,......
Request Time
Music and psv have been getting together in another area, too—and earning quite a press. The Scottish Bus Group's decision to have taped music on 50 double-deckers operated from......