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Being Fair To The Fair Sex
by John Darker, AMBIM THE main provisions of the Sex Discrimination Act and the full farce of the Equal Pay Act came into operation on January 1, 1976. How are these measures......
Headlamp Bulbs
Twin filament, dipping TungstenHalogen headlamp bulbs, said to be the first to fit most European trucks, are now available from . Brown and Geeson Ltd. The 24V, 75/70 watt BG......
Ratchet Lever
Designed for use where space is restricted, the new Gordon ratchet lever has a smaller head conta:ning 60 teeth which are said to give smoother operation. The same 18 teeth of......
Lift Tables
With standard platform sizes ranging from 3m x 2m (9.8 x 6.5ft) to 7m x 7m (23 x 231t), new Double Tandem poweroperated lift tables from G. .Hunter are designed for up to 25......
Tyre Changer
Suitable for use on wheels of between 254mm and 458mm diameZer (10in and 18in), the air-operated Tyre Chief Major tyre changer can be operated effic:ently at pressures of 552 to......