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I Understand That Summer Time Will Be Adopted In France
this year. Could you tell me if this means that my drivers will not have to adjust their timings in either direction when British Summer Time begins in March ? At present, the......
Qmy Company Runs Three . 11 C Trailers : Two Of These
are over one ton unladen, are fitted with a hand-brake and a telescopic automatic brake —both are fitted with sewage plant models permanently fixed to the vehicles for dis play......
40 I Will. Shortly Be Taking The Psv Driving Test,
and I want to obtain some sort of list of questions and answers appertaining to the test. I will be required to drive only a I2-seater minibus. What size of vehicle will the......
Q One Of My Drivers Who Had Driven His Vehicle Under ,
a low bridge and caused it to come into contact with the masonry has been told by the police that he will be . reported and possibly prosecuted. I thought that there was no......
Q My Company Is Mainly Concerned With Carrying Livestock...
and shows, and several of its vehicles will require replacing this year. I am told that new vehicles will have to conform • to new regulations. Could you say what these are? A......
Mr Parnell accepts that as a result of Mr Law's efforts, employees have received better wages and conditions. But he fears that this could also lead to many of them being put......