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Sunderland Committee Recommends Rate-subsidized Transport

10th April 1964, Page 36
10th April 1964
Page 36
Page 36, 10th April 1964 — Sunderland Committee Recommends Rate-subsidized Transport
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QUNDERLAND CORPORATION kJ transport committee is recommending to the Town Council that its trading tosses should be met out of the rates. This follows a report by Mr, Norman Morton, transport manager, and it would be the first time in the history of the undertaking if such a course were adopted.

Deficits of £.16,242 in the current year and £46,782 in 1965-66 are estimated and would cost id. in the pound on the rates this year and 2d. next year. Ratesubsidized transportf arms part of a plan eventually to limit the parking of private vehicles in and near the town centre.

In his report Mr. Morton says that the main deterrent to any heavy increase in traffic is the restriction of vehicles in the central area and says encouragement of the use of public transport would also help. Any further increases in fares may Well cut down the number of passengers carried in the buses. .

MI. Morton adds that a prosperous bus service would obviate the necessity of spending huge sums.on new roads to cope with the heavy increase in road traffic in the next 10 to 20 years.