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T AX, time and death have at least one thing in common; all are inescapable. But . they all tend, unfortunately, to breed...
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T HE Town Clerk of West Bromwich has been instructed by the Town Council's general purposes committee to produce a report at an...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT T HE Road Haulage Association on Monday moved a step nearer its declared policy of trying to...
BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT P ROMINENT on the agenda of the highways and vehicles committee meeting of the Road Haulage...
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L"OLLOWING representations by the 1 Traders Road Transport Association and The Commerc:al Motor ", the Ministry of Transport...
ik NEW 280-h.P. regenerative gas turbine designed specifically for heavy-duty commercial vehicles has been developed by General...
In conjunction with Coach work Conversions Ltd. of Berkhathsted, Renault Ltd. hare introduced this ice cream vendor on the...
SS A LAR I ED staffs employed by British Road Services are to have an improved salary structure, providing for an increase on...
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THE City-Van semi-trailer boxvan which was exhibited at this year's Amsterdam Show by York Trailer Europa N.V. (see The...
A N experiment in vehicle costing is being undertaken by E. and F. Beattie Ltd., Manchester, a member of the Stephenson...
charge will be 2s. 6d. per vehicle in the first year of operation to allow assessment of the potential traffic and the ultimate...
TOLL charges for vehicles using the I recently opened St. Bernard road tunnel, which links Switzerland and Italy, were...
A REDUCTION of more than £4m. in rA the estimated cost of the projected Humber bridge, achieved by use of new construction...
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DOPER scales of rates were 'essential 1if hauliers were to continue to fulfil their main function, said the Road H a ulag e...
Oxford L.D.O.Y.: Entries for the Oxford L.D.O.Y.⢠eliminator to be held on June 28 close on May 16. Details, entry forms...
C OMPLAINTS about a shorta g e of examiners were voiced when M.P.s discussed tile violation of licensin g re g ulations in the...
M ANY rural bus proprietors were literally han g in g on in extremely unfavourable financial circumstances waitin g for the...
TWO vers:ons of the Trombone J. extensible -semi-trailer are now bein g produced by the -York Trailer 'Co. Ltd. The new Series...
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i â L. A TOTAL ban on smoking in Man chester Corporation buses is to be introduced following a decision taken at a city...
QUNDERLAND CORPORATION kJ transport committee is recommending to the Town Council that its trading tosses should be met out of...
A S reported briefly in The Commercial Motor last week, motorbuses were introduced on the three remaining South Shields...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT ONDON TRANSPORT is to place out La to contract to private operators this summer special bus...
(Reliance Holdings) Ltd. Mr. 3. R. Brockhouse has resigned from the board of J. Brocichouse and Co. Ltd., of which he has been...
Tours Ltd., Leeds, Mr. Geoffrey Steel, was a member of the working party which met at the Guildhall, York, last week to agree a...
Co. Ltd. and Crosville Motor Services Ltd. have applied to the Traffic Commissioners for permission to operate a joint express...
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a number of new appointments in connection with the reorganization planned for B.R.S. Ltd., the general haulage company. The...
r - k A CHATHAM haulage contractor who admitted 30 traffic convictions in connection with his business won his tight to retain...
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I N refusing art application for a seven vehicle switch from B to A licence, the Scottish Licensing Authority, Mr. W. F. Quin,...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT J\ TTACKS on aspects of commercialvehicle activities arc to be launched by tWo M.P.sâoneâ¢...
to Butlin's Holiday Camp, Skegness, three bus companiesâBracewells (Colne) Ltd., Ellen Smith (Tours) Ltd. and David...
A N application by MeKelvie and Ca t. (B.M. and P.) Ltd., was adjourned at Glasgow on Tuesday to permit railway evidence to be...
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months' business as a result of a decision of the Metropolitan Licensing Authority, Mr. D. I. R. Muir. The contractor, Mr. B....
I N a reserved decision the Transport Tribunal has allowed an appeal by Spelmonden Estate Co. Ltd., of Gondhurst against the...
L'OLLOWING the Scottish Licensing Authority's refusal of an application by H. Ferguson and Sons, of Drougan, for a B licence...
T HE simultaneous applications by Scottish Omnibuses Ltd. and Walter Alexander and Sons (Fife) Ltd. for stage services via the...
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ARGEST application this week is a - 1 -1 variation to add 9 artics to the B licence of W. H. Cowburn and Cowpar Ltd., of...
var., add I vett (410. L. and A. Sanderson, Saliburn, A var., add 1 T. Oita (If granted. B lie. will be surrendered.) a. T....
APPLICATIONS (April 3, 1964) Geoffrey Rayner Ltd.. Manchester, A var., add 4 veh. (1610. (If granted, 2 vela (810 will be,...
⢠APPLICATIONS (April 2. 1964) Mrs. A. M. Walley. Hodnet, new A. lie., I Yeti. (510. Mainly astric, produce and requisites....
APPLICATIONS (April I, 1964) S. flatfoot and Sons Ltd., Dowlais. Clam, new A lie., 6 T. (540. Colliery waste and coal to be...
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Criticised BY NORMAN H. T1LSLEY L.A. ACTS AS PROSECUTOR WITNESS, JURY AND JUDGE ⢠O NE. particular aspect of licensing...
O NE of the principal tasks of Licensing Authorities is to safeguard the interests of established hauliers. Time and time again...
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A N exhibition emphasizing the risk of serious accidents in the use of lifting tackle and the steps which can be taken to avoid...
OLLOWING comments made in our I road-test report of the AustinMinatic 7-cwt. articulated vehicle, published on March 27, in...
Western Highway Institute, San Francisco, Mr. John L. Springer, has joined the list of distinguished guest speakers who will be...
A FTER a long period of speculation, the Ministry of Transport has finally issued its revised proposals for modifications to...
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being 30 tons if the axles are 29 ft. 6 in. apart, 28 tons if they are 26 ft. apart, 26 tons if 23 ft. apart, and 24 tons if...
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A T a symposium on electronics in the automobile industry at 'Birmingham University on Tuesday, Mr. J. H. Pitchford of the...
I N The Commercial Motor of May 10 and 17 last year, preliminary plans for the introduction of Herbert Vidal Duplico extendible...
1 - 1. A NEW heavy-recovery vehicle went into operation in the Mersey Tunnel on Tuesday. It is a specially adapted lift truck,...
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Bedford Sales Up: Following the announcement that sales of Bedford commercial vehicles in 1963, at 84,131, were '9.per cent...
Arc Welding HintsâAlloys A LUMEN1UM in its own pure form 1-3 would be of little service to the vehicle industry. Therefore,...
Have you an idea that is worth passing on to other readers It must relate to maintenance practice. It' a panel, on which...
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and Publications Support Jacks 1'0 give stability when heavy indivisible items have to be loaded or unloaded over the sides,...
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By The Hawk A Good Cause i think I should warn readers in Scotland, particularly those in the Edinburgh area, that they are...
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⢠Compensation would be paid ⢠No nationalization of motor manufacturing industry ⢠Rural bus aid An interview with Mr....
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By John F. Moon, A. M .I.R.T.E. 32-ton-gross artic 0 N JANUARY 24, last, The Commercial Motor published exclusively the first...
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right Trophies A LTHOUGH entries for last weekend's National Coach Rally were drawn from as far afield as Sussex and...
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Overall winner (National Coach 19611: Wallace Arnold Tours Ltd. (Leylatid-Plaxton 45-seater, Driver, E. Patrickson)....
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WRITES The trader can best preserve his own freedom by protecting that of hauliers' 0 PPOSITION to the nationalization of...
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L _ AST week in this series a start was made in consider ing the various ways in which the cost of operating commercial...
The manager of a dairy states that the present fleet consistv of electric vehicles, hat the firm is now considering operating a...
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United Carrier! ividend Pleases L AST December the directors of UNITED CARRIERS made a revised forecast of a final dividend of...
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Noise Regulationsâand the Sound Meter MY attention has been drawn to the report "Noise kegs. Held Up for Sound Meter?" which...
to performances of typical eight" wheelers, which appeared on page 54 of your issue of February 28, made clear, the Atkinson...
Taylor's article "The I Menace of Too-free Enterprise" (February 28) and in the comment and suggestions of Mr. Jack Wood and...
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R. Smith, 20 Copthall Avenue, London, E.C.2; A. M. Rutherford-Warren, Roscanock, Claremont Drive, Esher, Surrey. Anglo-Spanish...
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A sound, reliable and friendly financial service is a primary requirement for traders in cars and commercial vehicles. And...