Passing Comments
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Goods Transport in France
AN official inquiry has been held into the transport of goods by road in France. According to La Vie Francaise, this survey covered a week late in 1952, but the details have only just been released. Reports were made on 580,000 vehicles, but short routine trips were not included. The main point of interest is that 152m. tons of goods were carried by road in the year against 174m. on the French National Railways.
in percentages, the figures were 46 by rail, 41 by road, and 13 by river or canal. These compare well with the results shown for 1935-36, when the percentages were rail 60, road and water about 20 each. c28
A Parking Danger
IN narrow country roads parking of the many
vehicles connected with intensive building operations can cause obstruction and inconvenience to other road users. Recently five vehicles—vans and cars—were seen drawn-up nose to tail just around a blind bend at the bottom of a hill, where they completely masked the approach of traffic in the opposite direction.
In such circumstances surely a cautionary notice at the top of the hill would have been advisable even if not compulsory. Accidents are all too frequent without adding to the dangers of our inadequate road system.
Multum in Parvo
A NEAT and useful paint-spraying machine, " incorporating the new Vincent 75 c.c. (43 mm. by 50 ram.) industrial engine, was one of the exhibits recently shown in London by Vincent Engineers (Stevenage), Ltd., Stevenage, Herts. Other applications of this little power unit include pumps and compressors.
The engine develops its maximum power at a piston speed of 850 ft. per min. and produces 1.3 b.h.p. at 2,500 r.p.m. It requires less than half of the petrol used in many other two-stroke engines, and is built mostly of light alloy, the overall weight being only 24 lb.
The tendency of this type to misfire at low loads has been largely eliminated by the design of the carburetter and engine, whilst the magneto has proved capable of producing an intense spark at low revs.
Hire Purchase to Help Orders
'f THE amelioration of the conditions governing hire HE which have resulted from the cancellation of the Hire Purchase Control Order by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, should do much to help operators of commercial vehicles.
This step in the direction of financial freedom was taken well before the Commercial Motor Show and it is hoped that it will result in the placing of more orders for new goods and passenger vehicles by those with limited capital assets who may have hesitated before indulging in fairly heavy initial expenditure and monthly obligations which would have had to be made during a strictly limited period. Much of their early profits would have been absorbed.
It may also assist purchasers of those vehicles from the Disposal Board which have shown the need for early replacement. The longer period over which hire-purchase payments can now be made will, in the case of hauliers, facilitate the meeting of these out of earnings without adding large amounts to the rates charged or running into financial debt in other directions.
A Change from Live Loads
WHEN the wife of a reader went to her butcher's " recently a meat van was being unloaded. She remarked on the easy, skilful way one of the whitecoated men was handling the huge carcases, saying she supposed that this was due to his long experience in the trade.
The Matcher laughed and said: "As a matter of fact he's just a pal of mine who comes in to help us in his off-duty hours, he's a bus driver "—a new variation of "a busman's holiday."