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O N Sunday, Coventry Road Accident Preven tion Council will hold their second annual conThiercial-vehicle rally, If the...
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O WING to their size and the frequency with which they are operated during the hours of darkness often for long periods, the...
Goods Transport in France A N official inquiry has been held into the transport of goods by road in France. According to La...
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That big principles are often based on small issues. From Sir Brian Robertson, G.C.B., K.C.M.G., chairman B.T.C., that a...
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8 ft. Wide Over 4 Tons: 2 Tons Extra for 4and 8-wheelers, 1 Ton for 6-wheelers P ROPOSALS for increases in the maximum...
PA A FAIRLY general improvement in the standard of vehicle maintenance is shown by the annual reports of the T.„icensing...
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T 1-1 E Aldershot and District Traction I Co., Ltd., are " more than satisfied" with 15 new lightweight 30-seat...
T 0 buses are to be converted to one-man operation by Burnley, Caine and Nelson Joint Transport Committee for operating the...
A JOINT deputation from the Public Transport Association and the Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association is expected to meet...
T HE Northern Ireland Road Haul' age Wages Council have provisionally recommended to the Ministry of Labour that adult...
"THE joint managing director of Trusted l Corporation (Universal), Ltd., Watford, told the Northern Licensing Authority last...
NAANY thousands of people—some IVI from as far away as Liverpool and Sheffield--have travelled by coach to the hop gardens of...
Bedford, Nuffield distributors for north Bedfordshire, has been purchased by Kennings, Ltd. Sir George Kenning has been...
F URTHER approaches are to be made by Grimsby Transport Committee to. Cleethorpes Corporation in regard to a proposed merger of...
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MR. C. G. Gorz has rejoined Simms Motor Units, Ltd., as works en g ineer. . MR. 5. - W, /tams has been appointed advertisin g...
T HE Association of Municipal Corporations oppose the recommendation of the Thesi g er Committee that the law re g ardin g the...
N EW British Standards have been introduced g overnin g the design of rear lamps and reflectors. They lay down performance re...
the issue of certificates of road worthiness, was recommended in a resolution passed at the annual meetin g of the West Ridin g...
to be fitted with an A.E.C. AV470 7.75-litre oil en g ine. This unit develops 112 b.h.p. at 2,000 r.p.m. and provides 325...
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A PUBLIC inquiry into London no-waiting and similar regulations was suggested to Mr. H. Molson, Joint Parliamentary Secretary...
I T is expected that the Commercial Motor Show at Earls Court will be . attended by a record number of visitors from overseas....
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A N undertaking with a turnover of £1.6m. a year needed a cushion so that fare increases could be reviewed -over a longer...
ri A COACH firm in the north-west were, last week, granted an excursion and tour licence for what was claimed to be a unique...
LINES totalling £200, plus £10 If I advocates' fees, have been impos on H. and P. Haulage (Contractor Ltd., Algeria Street,...
Authority's approval is bei sought by Bolton Transport Depa ment for an increase of 4d. in the exi ing 2d. fare. This would...
mitted to the proposed new fai schedule of the Iffster Transpi Authority, due to come before t Transport Tribunal for approval...
F ARE increases are to be introduc by United Automobile Servie Ltd,, on Sunday. Routes affected are Durham, north Yorkshire,...
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;T is more than flesh and blood can stand for a young soldier to have travel into Manchester from Oldham, ere he lives, in...
London • Transport garages is joining in the )fficial ban on overtime and rest-day rking which is aimed at enforcing aands for...
HE replacement of the town's trams, numbering about 50, by motores is recommended by Mr. W. L. ;sell, general manager of Dundee...
The Commercial Motor ' Tables of Operating ts," containing figures for all classes ;ends and passenger vehicle, will be fished...
A BRITISH trade fair, similar to that shortly to be held in Baghdad, is to take place in Copenhagen, Denmark, from September...
S TRONG representations were made at the annual conference of the Royal Sanitary Associaticm for Scotland against delay in...
'Two M.P. vice-presidents of the I Association of Municipal Corporations have been asked to speak, if possible, in the House of...
" COMINGS and goings in the general %--• ownership and control of road transport, with the promise of further legislation in...
QHORT of staff, and needing all their s-- ) available vehicles for the evening peak, Leeds Transport Department found that it...
O N Tuesday, Mr. Sydney S. Guy, chairman of Guy Motors, Ltd., Wolverhampton, announced that Mr. G. P. Roberts, a director,...
T HE WestYorkshire Road Car Co., Ltd., and York Corporation have made joint application to the Yorkshire Licensing Authority to...
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P LEADING guilty to 30 summonses for contravention of the 25-mile limit and five for making false entries in returns made to...
T HE value of the "ABC Goods Guide," the July-December edition of which has just been published at 3s. 6r1. by Iliffc and Sons,...
The Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., are now making tubeless tyres in the smaller sizes in this country. Road congestion...
" T HE evidence has disclosed th I there would be no harm if a litI fresh blood was introduced into son of Bristol's coach...
s underneath the chassis of vehicles Manchester Cleansing Department the annual parade last Saturday, wh 12 drivers received...
A N appeal by British Railwo against the grant by the Yorksh Licensing Authority of a licer authorizing Messrs. J. W. Kitehin a...
who claimed subsistence allowam when they had spent their nights home were fined by Oldbury magistra last week. Police at...
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By. Bernard Winterbottom, Past Chairman, Road Haulage Association Return of Haulage to Private Enterprise Too Slow: Too Much...
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By Ashley Taylor, A.M.I.R.T.E. HEN the average transport operator contemplates t h e :ms paid out for licensing es and...
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NEW version of the Freeline passenger chassis has been designed heavy service overseas and has a !elbase of 20 ft 4 in.,...
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New Six-wheeler with 184 b.h.p. Engine Designed for Gross Weight of 30 Tons .and to Operate at 5,500A A NEW heavy-duty...
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'HE TS3 three-cylindered two-stroke oil engine is now available in the .mmer 5-ton and 7-ton models and Karrier Gamecock...
V ISIBILITY to the rear of commercial vehicles is frequently inadequate. This opinion was put forward at the annual meeting of...
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)1\TNER a Six ieeler G REATER manceuvrability and easier entry and exit have been achieved by Albion Motors, Ltd., Scotstoun,...
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No Paying Twice IN your issue dated September 3, "Fleet Manager" I asks whether toll roads are the answer to our road...
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by Peter G. Masefield, M.A., F.R.Ae.S., F.Inst.A.E., Minst.T. (Chief Executive, British European Airways) ) 0MESTIC air...
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by John Savage, A.I.R.T.E. O PERATORS who have ' stuck to petrol" so Ear must now be giving .close thought to the question of...
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Road Research Laboratory's Investigations into Problem of Glare : Special Lamps for Goods Vehicles Proposed: Need for Proper...
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Oil Engine • Idds Only 05 — £114 15s. to Prices f Cornplete Vehicles: Austin Announce Nem . ? 1-ton and 1-ton Vans ■ TEW...
A BEDFORD long-wheelbase 7-tonner, with chassis modified by Prestage, Ltd., Suffolk Street, Birmingham, 1, upon which is...
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Political Commentary By JAI'S T HE long-drawn-out dispute over the wages of railway workers is not something to which road...
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Heated Discussion Extends Over Two Days: Delegate Says That Future Negotiations Will be Hampered ROBABLY, no previous paper...
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few Goods Vehicles Range from -cwt. Vans to Maximum-load Sixnd Eight-wheelers: Lightweight 7onstruction Introduced into Many...
M OST of the lighter types of v: be shown are based on privat chassis, amongst which may be Cloned the Austin A30 and A40, ford...
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A NEW development in the A.C.V. passenger range is the Regent Mark V double-decker chassis with A.E.C. 7.75-litre oil engine,...
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F F OR OR many types of transport work —heavy haulage for example—the articulated vehiple is the only type that can _be...
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THE latest equipment to be produced by Harmans Engineering Co., Yelland, Barnstaple, is a device for k4eping the pedal...
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onger Bodywc 1954 kAbove) A refrigeration unit is built into the body mounted on the MorrisC'ommercial .1-type chassis which...
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O NE of the many vehicles built to operate under the 30 m.p.h speed limit which will be seen at Earls Court is to be exhibited...
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rik A NEW challenger to the German Volkswagen Microbus will be shown by Whitson on Stand 27. An eight-seat bus, it will be...
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L - 1 A NEW hydraulic stretcher gear which, it is claimed, enables a nurse to load patients into the top tiers of a four-berth...
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p RESSURE from manufacturers producing new types of vehicle encourages improvement of the proprietary components employed. On...
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Three New Models Designated Regent V, One a Lightweight Chassis with 103 b.h.p. Engine : Monocontrol Transmission Eliminates...
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Mr. W. Storey Purchases• 7 35 Vehicles, But Assigns• Many of Them largest purchase' of transport its reported this week has...