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8 ft. Wide Over 4 Tons: 2 Tons Extra for 4and 8-wheelers, 1 Ton for 6-wheelers
PROPOSALS for increases in the maximum dimensions of rigid and articulated goods vehicles were circulated on Wednesday by the Ministry of Transport among vehicle builders' and operators' associations. The figures are as exclusively forecast in The Commercial Motor on June 4.
It is proposed that vehicles of 4 tons and over unladen shall have a maximum legal width of 8 ft. Maximum laden weights for fourwheelers will be 14 tons, for six-wheelers 20 tons, and for vehicles with more than six wheels, 24 tons.
Maximum overall width of a trailer equipped with pneumatic tyres and drawn by a vehicle greater than 7 ft. 6 in. wide will be 8 ft., and the maximum overall length of an articulated vehicle will be increased from 33 ft. to 35 ft. Maximum overall length of a four-wheeled vehicle, other than a public service vehicle, will be raised from 27 ft. 6 in. to 30 ft.—the same as for a multi-wheeler.
Axle Loadings The highest two-wheeled-axle loading will be increased from 8 tons for heavy motorcars and motorcars, and 61tons for trailers, to 9 tons for all such vehicles (except public service vehicles). The. maximum weight transmitted to the road by one wheel, where there is no other in line transversely, will be 4.1. tons, instead of 4 tons. Maximum weight transmissible by all wheels in line transversely of a heavy motorcar, 'motorcar or trailer will be increased from 10 tons to II tons.
The following increases in the maximum laden weights of goods vehicles are proposed—Four-wheelers from 12 tons to 14 tons; vehicles with more than four but not more than six wheels, 19 tons to 20 tons; and vehicles with more than six wheels, 22 tons to 24 tons.
" 32 Tons" Stays Maximum total laden weights for articulated vehicles will be 20 tons where the semi-trailer has two wheels and 24 tons where the semi-trailer has four or more wheels. Highest gross weights for drawbar trailers will be 14 tons for vehicles with fewer than six wheels and 20 tons for those with six or more.
Combined total weight of a separate trailer and any motor tractor, heavy motorcar or motorcar drawing it will be 24 tons unless power-assisted brakes are fitted, in which case the limit will be 32 tons, as at present.
No load will be permitted to project more than 1 ft. from the side of a vehicle or trailer, subject to a maximum overall width of load and vehicle together of 9 ft. 6 in, Exceptions concern loose farm produce such as hay, and indivisible loads.
"The proposals . . . have been examined by the Committee on Road Safety, who, taking a broad view of them as a whole, saw no reason to offer c30 objection," the Ministrysaid in its circular to interested parties. "The Minister wishes to emphasize that the proposals are presented as a whole, and that whether from the export manufacture or the home safety aspect, he believes that they offer a balance of advantage."
Propoits for minor amendments of the Construction and Use Regulations in relation to other matters are being considered and will be notified later.
The Minister proposes not to make the changes by amending the regulations, but to re-issue the whole regulations in consolidated and amended form. The first draft of the nevi consolidated regulations will not be prepared for some time, Limit on Load Widths It appeared to the Minister, the memorandum said, that'danger to other road users was related more to maximum width of vehicle and load than to width of vehicle alone. He had had in mind that the Regulations should place limits on load widths and had decided to authorize in part the requested increases within the frame work of a comprehensive scheme tc restrict the absolute widths of lader vehicles on the roads.
Some modifications could be acceptec without sacrifice of safety, although tin extent to which this could be done ww limited by the capacity of the Britist road system. The needs of expor manufacturers would, however, sub. stantially be met by the proposals.
Pressure on Minister For some time the Society of Motoi Manufacturers and Traders and tin National Road Transport Federatim had been pressing the Minister to alloy the use f bigger vehicles in thi country, it was officially recognize( that this would case makers' problems Modern design developments made thi use of bigger vehicles technical]] possible.
At a Press conference last week, Mr R. Gresham Cooke, director of th, S.M.M.T., stated that he hoped that th. new regulations would be introduced if Parliament in November,
Their appearance in draft form is ; little belated, although the previou Minister said some months ago tha they would be made known before th Commercial Motor Show.
Production Disturbed In their annual reports to shart holders, the chairmen of leadin manufacturing companies have fo years stressed the disturbance to prc duction and the artificial 'inflation i Costs caused by the need for makin vehicles with two entirely different set of dimensions for home and oversea use. The industry will welcome th Minister's proposals.
Scammell Lorries, Ltd., have, a exclusively announced in The Con inertial Motor last week, anticipate the new draft regulations by prod ucin an eight-wheeler of 24 tons gm; weight and are exhibiting it at th Commercial Motor Show.