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W HERE housing development was such that numbers of dustbins were

8th April 1955, Page 37
8th April 1955
Page 37
Page 37, 8th April 1955 — W HERE housing development was such that numbers of dustbins were
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placed in a series of yards or courts, consideration might be given to the provision of one large container for each yard, so that the equivalent of a number of bins might be emptied in one operation with the use of special equipment.

This suggestion was made by Mr. E. R. Green, Nottingham Cleansing Superintendent, when he addressed the spring meeting of the Institute of Public Ceansing on the application of organization and methods principles.

As regarded street sweeping, experiments in Nottingham showed that hand methods could not be effectively employed during most of the day because of parked vehicles and traffic; still less could mechanical sweepers be employed. Where it could be used, however, the mechanical sweeper could do the work of eight hand sweepers with a saving in the cost of a collection vehicle.