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r HE Road Haulage Association's failure to amend their policy to it changing conditions has St them the services, at a itical...
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O NE of the most unsatisfactory features of the 1 ,—/road haulage industry is the lack of unanimity in dealing with wages....
Electrically Charged Paint Spray A CHARGE of 90,000 volts is employed in the "latest electrostatic paint-spray installation at...
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That we can't scrap the railways yet, but road and il should stop scrapping. That this is the season for tops and that they...
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T HE speed limit for heavy goods vehicles will be discussed again by the National Joint Industrial Council on April 20. The...
P RESSURE is still being exerted by the Public Transport Association for the denationalization of the road passenger transport...
-) maintenance and repair grades have been agreed with the Transport and General Workers' Union by British Road Services, -and...
wrote to all Members of Parliament. asking them to oppose the levying of highway tolls on commercialvehicle users. As motor...
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was announced by Scarnmell rries, Ltd., last week, that they holding discussions with Leyland rs, Ltd., with a view to an...
were imposed upon rd Healey, of Liverpool, by le county magistrates for using a Cs licence which belonged to er person, and...
in Newcastle last week o appeal against fare increases lv granted to bus operators in the The Commercial Motor, March &...
A CONFERENCE to discuss alleged inadequate bus services in North Northumberland and on Tweedside was held at Berwick last...
three new records during the first quarter of this year. Compared with the corresponding period of 1954, the number of vehicles...
current financial year, Leyland Motors, Ltd., received 40 per cent. more orders than during the latter six months of the...
i-HE following revised fair average charges for 1,000-cu.-ft. pantechnicons have been suggested to members of the National...
T HE isolated Ashbourne group of services of Henry Hulley and Sons, Ltd., Baslow, Derbyshire, has been handed over to Mr. W....
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MR. J. V. KLEIN, joint managing director of the Compollex Co., Ltd., is visiting Continental markets, particu larly Holland,...
E MPLOYEES in the motor-vehicle retail and repairin g trade have been g ranted substantial pay increases under an a gr eement...
LOAN A MONG the films catalo g ued for the new free-loan department of the Central Film Library, Government 13romyard Avenue,...
A FURTHER lar g e order for 25-cwt. r". battery-electric milk floats has been placed with Wales and Edwards, Ltd., Shrewsbury,...
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R ELATIONS between the Fatstock Marketing Corporation and the Road Haulage Association had not deteriorated, Mr. G. R. Colvin,...
A USTRALIA'S first refinery to prof - 1 duce petroleum by catalytic crackng was officially opened on Monday )y Mr. Robert G....
Somerset Education Committee for the supply of school transport from September next. Operators interested should send details...
THE Government's road programme I was described as " niggardly " by Sir Henry Spurrier, managing director of Leyland Motors,...
another four lorries bought from British Road Services have been issued by the Western and Northern Licensing Authorities, it...
B Y using a through road which includes a tunnel under the Maas, vehicles are able to cross Rotterdam, with its 750,000...
" rONSIDERABLE panic" arose 4 .-••• when a Ministry of Transport inspector asked Rotherham Co-operative Society for driving...
T HE city's transport services were losing about £20,000 a month, and there was likely to be a deficit of £100,000 at the end...
A T a meeting on Monday of the national joint negotiating committee for administrative, professional, technical and supervisory...
A THORNYCROFT sales and service rA week will be held by the Victoria Motor Co. (Bristol), Ltd., at Temple Gate, Bristol, from...
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rONCiESTION in American cities Is- , costs $15 per 1,000 vehicle-miles. Improved roads between towns would save commercial...
A DENNIS Pax tipper weighing under 3 tons unladen has been completed by the Spenborough Engineering Co., Ltd., Heckmondwike,...
W RITING on labels and dockets likely to be exposed to the weather is frequently made illegible, resulting in much...
A N application for higher rates for the haulage of lime is to be made to the Ministry of Agriculture by the British...
A TAMAR bridge should be built forthwith, even though tolls may have to be charged for its use. the Devon and Cornwell Area of...
T HE . Trader Publishing Co.. Ltd., Dorset House, Stamford Street. London, S.E.I. have published the 1955 edition of Trader...
IN recent years there has been a 1 number of notable advances in enginetesting methods and equipment to ensure greater accuracy...
Authority has refused a B licence to Mr. W. Stewart, a Sunderland taxi owner, to carry newspapers for W. H. Smith and Sons,...
A NEW coach station costing £10,000 was opened last Saturday by Ribble Motor Services. Ltd., in Preston. It has been designed...
A NEW hand cleanser, known as Borax°, has been produced by Borax Consolidated, Ltd., to remove grease, grime and chemicals...
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placed in a series of yards or courts, consideration might be given to the provision of one large container for each yard, so...
T HE extent to which mechanized farm implements are employed in this country is made evident by the 1955 Farm Mechanization"...
k /TAKERS of delivery vans should LVI try to devise a system of mirrors .which would eliminate the blind spot it the rear,...
the East Kent Road Car Co., Ltd., to revise fares. Kent County Council and 22 local authorities opposed the application, which...
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OCAL approaches to employers by branches of the Transport and General Workers' Union. designed to improve on wage settlements...
r E production of a suitable heat exchanger for turbine-powered vehicles did not present an insoluble problem, said Mr. James...
T HE Id. fare was on the way out and there was something to be said for the argument that it allowed people to travel at times...
'A DEFICIENCY of about £17,000 1 - 1. for 1955-1956 is f aced by Southampton Transport Department. It is hoped, however, that...
A NEW giant tyre, the G.I7. has I - 1 been produced by the India Tyre and Rubber Co.. Ltd. It has a deep tread. tough carcass...
A REPAIR kit for sealing small holes in tubeless tyres has been introduced by the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd. Without removing the...
the Mreal North Road, have been advised to continue their " war " against heavy-vehicle parking offenders by keeping...
A FORMAL verdict of not guilty was returned by Sheriff-substitute J. C. Bonnar at Greenock Sheriff Court, after the...
IT is art offence to transfer driving' licence slips from an economy-type brown-paper cover to tb,e former kind. with hard...
" P ROVIDED that inflationary tendencies hcrc are kept under control, and also that our taxation load is brought to a level...
bear road-safety slogans on the rear doors—an idea of Dr. A. Hutchison, medical officer of health of the city. Mr. A. H. A....
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A N Air Ministry memorandum to all Commands, laying down the probedure in the arrangement of leave coach services, was quoted...
vent rate-cutting. should not the 1953 Act be repealed as its basis of ree competition was thus nullified? fhis question was...
educational standard of apprentices ntering the vehicle building industry. - his point is to be discussed at the nnual...
A 25-YEAR-OLD dispute between 1 - 1 Newport Town Council and W. Alexander and Sons, Ltd.. concerning the continuing use of Boat...
T HE inclusion of the horizontal 4HDC330 engine in the standard range of Henry Meadows, Ltd., was part of a development...
1 - 1. A NEW factory to contain the auto mobile gearbox division of the David Brown Gear Group is to be built next to the...
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Lively Discussion at First Congress of N.C.R.T.C.H. : Heavy Opposition to Holding Agencies for B.R.S., and Condemnation of"...
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W HEN the hearing of the appeal by the British Transport Commission against the granting of an A licence for six vehicles to C....
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I HAVE returned from New York with a new respect for London Transport. Nevertheless, New York is a fine city. It is...
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Maximum Widths, Lengths, Axle Weights and Gross Vehicle Weights Increased : New System for Heavy Tractors: Transmission Brakes...
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Five Experts Describe Problems of Design and Operation, and Suggest the Lines That Future Development Will Take p APERS read...
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Latest Mack Forward-control 7-tonner has Leyland Running Components and American-type Accessories: 16 m.p.g. at 30 m.p.h....
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Mr. N. Hibberd Fourth Time Lucky with Tender for Old Business : 17 Lorries and a Spare Included si. FIER three unsuccessful...
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BY OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT THE House of Commons gave an unopposed second reading, last Friday, to Mr. Harold Davies'...
F I NES totalling £80, with £21 costs, were imposed on William Martin Allenby, 86 Westella Road, Kirkella, by Hull magistrates,...
The next Brussels Motor Show will be held from January 15-26, 1956. A further 32 Leyland underfloor-engined buses have been...
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HOW IT WORKS The flexibility of the Solex jet system allows different mixtures to be supplied through the same circuit; hence...
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All or Nothing By JANUS ok T a time when a by no means negligible minority of hauliers is beginning to talk openly ' of...
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Retirement at 65 : Fixed Contributions : No Medical Examination : R.H.A. Draft Scheme Being Considered A A DVANCE details of...
T HE first luxury coach with M.C.W. Fanfare body has been delivered to Robin Hood (Coaches), Ltd., Nottingham. It is expected...
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1:0ATENT No. 722.285 comes from Weaving and The Austin Motor Co.. Ltd., Longbridge Works, Birmingham, and deals with...