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The industry will be casting apprehensive glances towards Scotland this month. It was during November in the last two years...
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great anti-tachograph strikes came to nothing this week, future battles look certain to be fought only on what cash ement can...
LAST THING European F rries would want to do is to m ve into competition with t ir own haulier customers, t e company's...
HOOVER is closing down it road transport activities an handing them over to mor cost-effective specialists. Since October 1,...
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AN URGENT NEED exists for the Government to permit the use of goods vehicles in excess of 32 tons weight and dimensions greater...
3ITE lorries are being cleaned regularly at the West Moss pen-cast coalmine at Cowdenbeath in Fife. Murphy Brothers Ltd, which...
BOTH the Ministry of Trans port and the Chartered In stitute of Transport were es tablished 60 years ago and so i was...
Operating profits at the Mitchell Cotts Group have declined, and much of the blame for this lies with the engineering...
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the opening of another section of don's much-needed M25 orbital route days away, the Government has ated its support for the...
important new section of th Euroroute between Belfast a Dublin has been opened to tr ffic in Northern Ireland. T e Banbridge...
WHILE the numbers attending the Scottish Motor Show based in Kelvin Hall do not compare with those at the NEC, and previously...
should not have intruded; but it was difficult to banish them as Mr Anthony Steer told of his vision of free ports. That is...
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Sutherlands of Peterhead (Road Haulage) Ltd. are doing good business with major oil producers. Placed strategically in...
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ulli me th o d f 0 LTHOUGH David Bratt and Sons (Haulage) Ltd of Cheadle mime had shown they had a justifiable reason for...
A LONG FORGOTTEN quango has been laid to rest by Transport Minister Norman Fowler. He announced on Monday that the Freight...
GMC must rethink bottleneck MANCHESTER Policy Committee wants the Greater Manchester County Council to have further thoughts...
WE WILL shortly be announcing two staff promotions withit CM which will create a vacancy for a junior journalist in th4 news...
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COMPUTERS have a part to play in saving fuel in distribution, and the technology exists to do it. That was one of the messages...
EXPRESS parcels carrier, Wilkinson Transport, has introduced a computerised control system which keeps track of the 65,000...
BIDS are now being accepte for a permit-exchange dea which has still to be approve by the European Council c Transport...
AN ALL-YEAR round-the. clock national rescue servict has been launched for all MA1S and Volkswagen commercia l vehicles....
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THE TRANSPORT MINISTER is not taken by the idea of legislation to stop lorries' travelling in convoys. The suggestion was put...
TRANSPORT Parliamentar: Secretary Kenneth Clarke sail last week that it was essentia that Britain's motorways wer■ maintained...
THE DEPARTMENT 0 TRANSPORT is to make study of the need for a net crossing over the Rive Severn, and the working part will be...
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PLAN claimed to be able to save lorry owners E1,000m a year as been launched by a firm which aims to fill empty vehicles...
LONDON boroughs are to retain their powers to regulate parking on grass verges, footpaths and pavements. At the moment they...
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( I ' is featuring those of its I I ucts which, it says, conn iute to reduced operating' and increased efficiency Lt I s year's...
FODEN'S have told CM this week that they definitely have no plans to cease production of their worm-drive axle units (CM...
Fh i ti )S ;io 3 . :2i ;3 VY-DUTY fifth-wheel piing is being shown for first time at Kelvin Hall year by Davies Magnet of...
CIBIE's new Type 165 lamp available in driving or NI lamp versions and uses an H halogen bulb. The driving lamp is designe( to...
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. front-loading delivery van n . operation at 16 tonnes gvw as been developed by the innish firm of Sisu in confliction with a...
OPERATORS are being sent free Rubery Owen-Rockwell axle camshaft bushes in an attempt to encourage them to use nothing but...
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,THOUGH EVERY ONE of the public-service vehicles erated by Trevor John Perry, trading as Perry's Coaches at v, Cardiff, had...
INTERNATIONAL co-operation could give Leyland's beleagured Passenger Vehicle Division a boost, according to a Preston MP....
AT has made its biggest dent so far in the British coach arket by selling 10 SR280 integral coaches to Park's of mullion. The...
NATIONAL TRAVEL is pulling out of operating coaches for the international express coach services under the Euroways banner....
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IN A MOVE which has been expected for some time, the Government has set a date for the abolition of new bus grant. Transport...
:HINA Motor Bus has ordered more Leyland Victory 2 doubleleckers for its Hong Kong services. The £1.5m order calls for 70 of...
SCOTTISH Bus Group ha: been thrown into disarray bl the Traffic Commissioners refusal of its latest applicatiot for increased...
GREATER Manchester Trans. port has increased its order foi Metrobuses to help plug thc gap caused by the death of tht Leyland...
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ER OAD TRANSPORT scene tland is both compre'Si e and complex. The lu turing sector covers the ir spectrum of vehicles, eit from...
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thOugh the Japanese invam of the light-vehicle mar1 continues, it is now a olAem of supply rather than Imand. However, at this...
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)FO R D T Sales & Service Co Ltd, Finnieston Street, gow :kay & Jardine Ltd, t Cross, tadn Bros (Airdrie) Ltd, nty Garage,...
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ECONOMICS and commonsense wil make sure that a wholesale switcf from road to rail freight does no take place for inland...
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by ne Hawk 'light of ncy ; I implied in my paragraph in e ,October 19 issue, the proNiel newspaper reporter who rote the...
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make their deism BEDFORD Stands J1, J2, J3, J4, JS and at SMT Sales and Service, 205 Finnieston Street, Glasgow. ALTHOUGH...
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John Kilpatrick has joined Scottish Road Services as company sales manager, based at the head office in Cumbernauld. He was...
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DUR ENGINE manufacwars have their own chibits at this year's Scotdi Show with power ratings nging from 55 to 370bhp. )w-revving...
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There 's no magic ingredient for successful independent bus operation but Graham S have tightened scheduling by introducing...
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THROUGHOUT the Seventies the Scottish Motor Show h far outgrown the facilities of Kelvin Hall. Consequent overflow shows have...
book from our stand CM's book containing 50 questions and answers on the use of tachographs are available for sale on our...
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Steve Gray asks: Can Stonefield become a major force i European markets? Pictures by CM photoaraphe THE ABILITY to spot a gap...
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INSURANCE companies today produce new types of policies by the handful. It is difficult, even for the - inMated, to keep track...
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irs ly, I would like to congraturte Commercial Motor for an xcellent Fleet Management :ontference on October 24....
I read with considerable interest Graham Montgomerie's article entitled "Auto lube saves servicing costs" in the Farm Transport...
Your correspondent G. W. Brown takes me to task for commenting on unfair competition in the air travel business, but he really...
My dad is a coach operator and I like big lorrys and trucks. So I designed an artic with the pin on the roof of the truck as on...
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Although some familiar Scothsh vehicle names have cisappeared, at least 13,000 people are still employec by ne vehicle builcers...
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on right lines At the opening of Hamilton Young 'S transport complex at Eastleigh, Sir Peter Parker, chairman of BR, stressed...
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Few ooerators have gone nrough e trauma of adapting to new economy but Su - nerlancs have done his anc are lhrivin Story by...
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SKILLED fitter must have the iility to measure accurately, id in the next few articles I all be looking at the various easuring...
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by Les 0Idridge, T. Eng (CEI), MIMI, AMIRTE IN THE LAST article on this subject the definition of "recovery vehicle' contained...
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To find how British-mace tippers could cope with the unusually tough conditions of Scotland, Bill Brock took nree Leylands to...