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WE cannot help but return to the subject of the Road Haulage Association's proposed conference venue for 1983. Marbella on the...
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two and six years 0-AND SIX-yearly tachograph inspections will be compulsory by end of this year, but the proposed...
UNITED GLASS has hived off its road transport interests to form United Distribution Services, a wholly-owned specialist...
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FORMAL wage negotiations in No week, and strikes on Monday this settling at rates being sought Workers Union. Talks between...
GRASS ROOTS pressure is likely to lead rapidly to the Transport and General Workers Union withdrawing its opposition to the...
DERBY international haulier S.B. Atkins is investing nearly E400,000 in trailer equipment to take advantage of the 38-tonne...
COMMERCIAL vehicle sales off to a promising start month, but importers did bi than domestic manufacture Sales of all...
DAF TRUCKS (GB) has at last responded to the UK's new maxi's , weight limit by announcing that the 6x2 FTG 3300 DKX tractive I...
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iD FREIGHT — both hire or reward and own account — is )ming more professional; and demand for freight movement by lese were two...
THE GREATER London Council and the Road Haulage Association are united in their quest for the abolition of tolls on the...
IAMPSHIRE haulier has ed the campaign for downrising, accusing the Governit of using arguments of tax sion and enforcement as a...
:MURES to reduce the emission of exhaust gases should be :ended to cover commercial diesel engine vehicles as well as...
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EY NEEDED a quorum of five r the National Freight nsortium's annual general leting in Birmingham last rekend, and got around...
THE FREIGHT Transport Association is running a series of three separate courses on legislation governing the 38tonne vehicle,...
AN EEC scheme to establish a computerised railway freight control system in Europe may start in May on an experimental basis....
:LOTHING transport company ibbett and Britten has invested 500,000 in a computer system o help its customers with inmines. The...
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EXPRESS PARCELS carrier Lex Wilkinson has launched a new next-day delivery service and contract hire distribution service using...
STONE HAULIERS in the Country may face hard Um quarrying companies follow example set by the Ar Roadstone Corporation and out...
THE ROAD Haulage Association's projected Spanish conference in November (CM, February 7) will cost members 1E295 each if they...
SEALINK has extended the hours during which authorities to ship dangerous goods are issued to 9am-5.30pm (MondayFriday). All...
SCOTTISH PARCELS has entere market with Priority, a service work in England and Wales. Goods are trunked nightly from Scottish...
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built r the next three years, Transport Secretary David Howell has clicted. peaking after the publication he Government's...
As a result of these poor results, two to three freight vessels (and four to six passenger ones) will be sold; 350 redundancies...
SO PETROLEUM is launching Chargecard, a new credit card facilfor buying fuels and lubricants, next month. kny company with...
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THE FIRST tri-axle tipping trailer with parallel sides to be produced by Craven Tasker for 38 tonnes gcw is currently being...
TURBO INTERNATIONAL, which claims to be Britain's largest supplier of reconditioned turbochargers, is seeking to increase sales...
THE SONESSON GROUP has sold all shares in SAB Automotive to Heselman, part of the Swedish public investment group, Incentive....
BP IS CLAIMING a possible ti per cent improvement in consumption with its new nellus FE oil (CM February 5). The lubricant...
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E SCOTTISH Freight Company :h members of the National Fr gial changes. landy Barrie becomes head of tribution services for...
TO COINCIDE with a change of address of its Midlands sales office, Waclham Stringer Vehicle Contracts has taken on Trevor...
WESTERN BRITISH Road Services has made Peter Daniels assistant manager of the Exeter branch and Clive 011is contracts manager...
THE WINCANTON Tranportowned Darlaston Truck Centre has made Jeff Rundell workshop manager. For the past five years he was...
JAMES LAITT has become national sales manager of load restraint manufacturer Package Control. He joined the sales department...
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FORD's light 4 x 4 business took a knock last week when a receiver was appointed at County Commercial Cars and its two...
SOME OF BEDFORD's 10, employees are to be transfel to Vauxhall car production tween next summer and Aug 1984. The move is part...
NISSAN plans to manufacture between 4,000 and 5,000 Datsun Patrols this year at the Motor lberica, Zona Franca plant, which has...
SIMON Engineering of Dudley, West Midlands has fulfilled a contract for five Simon Snorkel fire fighting/rescue units valued at...
TELEHOIST of Cheltenhar Gloucestershire is complete refurbishing two BBC outsir broadcast communicatiot vehicles. The work...
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HNRADFABRIK FRIEDRICHSHAFEN (ZF) is confident that the ind towards synchromesh rather than constant mesh gearboxes top weight...
THREE tyre manufacturers have developed new additions to their ranges. These will be of direct interest to haulage operators...
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THE London Transport special public hearing on Associated Minibus Operators' (Amos) proposals for minibus services in London...
CONSUMERS' and women groups are the main target the latest wave of pro-bi propaganda from the Bus ar Coach Council. It has...
DAF BUS may build some of 11 British customers' coach chassi at Colchester as a hedge ageing possible import controls. The...
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.LANDS independent bus operators' trade association is eatening to invoke EEC legislation if Cores lompair Eireann's ir...
iE SERPELL REPORT into itish Rail's finances has killed e idea that buses cannot reace under-used train services, ory MP Peter...
IN OUR report "Firm let down by service checks" on p18, CM, January 29 we referred to a Traffic Commissioners hearing at which...
TRANSPORT Under Secretary Reginald Eyre has reassured MPs that metropolitan transport authorities will be able to use their...
Built on a Leyland Tiger 245 chassis, the 53-seat 3.4m (lift 2in) high body is designed for Britain and is 25cm (9.75in) lower...
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CM's Tables of Operating Costs were published on June 25. Nine tables covering a wide range of vehicles — from...
BY HEATING the fuel and thereby reducing its density, Brian Dixon, of Air Products, of Bracknell, Berkshire, in Tim Blakemore's...
I HEARTILY agree with your leader of January 29, raising the standard of the driving test is a better answer to accident...
I AM CONCERNED at the inaccurate inferences drawn from our hearing before the Traffic Commissioners (p.181 Jan 29). The...
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Multipart's Red Card service is proving ar ace with dealers. John Durant learns why WHAT is the major attraction of Multipart,...
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THE LAW LORDS have made it abundantly clear that there is a world of difference between the use of bus-fare cuts as an election...
IT HAS BEEN suggested that employees might buy the American Conrail railway — an option notably absent from those put up by the...
"EXTENSIVE lorry controls in the centre of Paris ... if interpreted by British courts would be devastating in London," say John...
WHEN 64-year-old Richard Wilson escaped from a German prison-of-war camp in Poland in 1940 he was befriended by people in...
THE DEPARTMENT of Transpo is carrying apparent cost-cuttin to absurd lengths in proposing to absolve local authorities frog the...
GENEROUS HELP with transp( also enabled 60 tons of vital supplies valued at about £200,000 to be delivered by International...
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So says the managing director designate o . Mercedes-Benz (UK). Teutonic thoroughness goes into selecting and instructing...
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10ME-STUDY packs are now ivailable as a CM/Road - ransport Correspondence ;ourses Special Offer to prepare or the Royal Society...
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There is no shortage of people after a slice of the franchise action, but wanting's one thing, getting's another. Mike...
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THERMOSTAT controls the ine's temperature. It does so Ireventing coolant ulating through the radiator ;ri the engine is cool,...
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THE CMSpecial Offer homestudy course for the Certificate of Professional Competence in Road Haulage (International) is now...
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LLCOME has extended its ;hroom hygiene services ;ration with the inclusion of a v Towelaire automatic hand I face drier....
4RTWELL is now producing :der Root and Smiths type h og raph charts on a new de of paper which is claimed live a vastly...
A HANDY guide to garage and transport equipment has been published by Colindale Equipment Company. It lists the extensive range...
EXHAUST systems have a habit of failing at just the wrong moment, leaving the vehicle stranded or rendering it illegal. This in...
CLEANING the workshop or garage floor is a task usually assigned to some hapless apprentice who seldom makes a good job of it....
KEEPING valuables safe in a lorry cab has always been a problem. Hide a camera or some other precious item behind ,a seat, and,...