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12th March 1976
12th March 1976
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Page 1, 12th March 1976

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Vive the 10 hr driving day!

EEC Commission green light to postponement for UK TEN HOURS driving a day looks like staying the legal maximum in Britain at...

Govt silence attacked

SHADOW spokesman for Transport, Mr Norman Fowler MP, hit out on Tuesday at the "extraordinary silence" which has been...

Page 5

National Travel hours blunder

BREACHES of the drivers' hours and EEC drivers' records regulations led to National Travel (North East) Ltd, being fined £250...

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French driver banned after M1 death crash THE FRENCH lorry driver who was involved in an accident in which a family of five...

Forged permits purge at Dover

A MAJOR purge on forged international permits got under way this week when officers of the South Eastern traffic area swooped...

A Seddon md resigns THE SEDDON ATKINSON (Spares and Service)

Ltd managing director has resigned over plans for the future of the Bamber Bridge spares and service plant. The man is...

Page 7

Britain comes out of the col

.INLESS Britain signed an nternational agreement on efrigerated transport stanlards, vehicles going to Europe :ould be turned...

Page 15

EEC driving licence: latest plan rules out medicals

NEW PROPOSALS about a common driving licence Mr EEC member States are to be discussed shortly by the European Parliament...

Fair shares for all —plea

AN OPERATOR has written to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr Denis Healey, attacking Government policy over the distribution...

Ford up payload at 7.5 tonnes gvw

PAYLOAD increases of up to 350kg (6.9cwt) are claimed for two new lightweight versions of Ford 7.5-tonne (7.38-ton)gvw D-Series...

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Pengco injunction PENGCO Transport Systems Ltd, the Peterborough-based demountable system manufacturer, was granted an...

Tune in to beat the jams

AN EXPERIMENTAL low-cost system of broadcasting information about traffic snarl - ups is being investigated by the BBC. The...

Road jobs not for us say dockers

A DOCKERS' leader denied this week that port workers would take over road transport jobs as a result of the Dock Work...

Tories no to tax rises

WHEN he addressed the NTDA in London last week Mr Norman Fowler, MP, came out strongly against any compulsory switch of traffic...

Page 17

No wedding bells for RHA-FTA

by CM reporter DRIVERS of heavy goods vehicles, particularly tankers carrying hazardous loads, are obliged to break the law...


French permits FRENCH permits for British hauliers have been raised from 31,400 to 35,000 on the general quota. Those hauliers...

Page 18

Woman haulier warned

A WOMAN HAULIER called before the Northern LA at adjourned (CM February 27) disciplinary proceedings last week was told that...


Faces on the road BRITISH VITA hit on a new idea when it came to a colour scheme for its fleet of Bedford Luton rigid vans and...

Alec Marsden has joined the British Road Services Group as

a distribution consultant. He will be responsible for the helping of clients with physical distribution problems and...

Waste oils disposed

A TECHNICAL memorandum on disposal of waste oils is now in preparation, and a specific case study is soon to be completed for...

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Confed's six-point plan to help public transport

"MOST SHIRE counties lack knowledge and understanding of the overall implications of public transport operation and have made...

London Transport lobs worth £70 a week

THE AVERAGE gross weekly earnings for London Transport drivers and conductors is £70.06; 12.5 per cent of this sum comes from...


Bus numbers NEARLY 70,000 buses and coaches are licensed in England and Wales alone according to figures released by transport...

Dominant buses for National Bus Company

THE FIRST five vehicles of an NBC contract for 50 Dominant Service Bus bodies based on Ford R1014 chassis have now been...

Page 20

Strike cost Glasgow

PIE Lim OVER ONE million pounds—that's the amount Greater Glasgow Passenger Transport Executive reckons to have lost through...

Gastonia coaches get ticked off

THE management of Gastonia Coaches Ltd, Cranleigh, Surrey, said to be a fast-expanding coach operator and planning a cut-price...

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Type approval go slow

COMPULSORY type approval for commercial vehicles in Britain will probably not see the light of day much before 1978-79. That...

Laminate wall vanguard

A LAMINATE-WALL body, designed specially for the delivery of retail goods in roll pallets, has been added to the Strongbox...

Down to earth flatbed

A LO-SKIP flatbed road vehicle made by T.T.B. (Fabrications) Ltd of Dartmouth, Devon, has been designed to lift and transfer...

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Steel saves wheel marks

TO PREVENT indentation from the wheels of roll pallets or pallet-handling trucks, Crown Decorative Products have specified an...

Load-securing speeded

SCOTTISH and Newcastle Breweries is now using 45 Boalloy Tautliner curtain-sided semi-trailers, in place of flat trailers, for...

Spearhead front-runner

FASTER THAN foam fire tenders, a newly built rapid intervention vehicle has been designed to be first at any airport blaze. The...

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Don't do it !

SMMT warns Government: bigger hgv taxi is bad politics TRUCK AND BUS manufacturers weighed in to the transport policy debate...

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Vascar speeds justice

Patrick Prekopp joins the Met to investigate the latest speed trap BIG BROTHER—that everwatchful, sinister spectre of 1984—has...

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Light the beacons

I've heard of flaming rows, but this is ridiculous. At the FTA Solent division's first annual dinner, RHA southern area...

Unfunny farce

If the British bus transport situation in the past 10 years had been dreamt up by a fiction author he'd have been accused of...

On the move

Since my comment on that pop record Convoy I've been sent one—by Ford, who with typical initiative have got themselves a nice...

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"Tatty tippers is too true

Your comments on "Tackling tatty tippers" (CM January 30) could not be more correct. All too often, lack of maintenance leads...

I'd tell these MPs by a driver's wife

How I envied the people (CM February 20) who met a group of MPs at Westminster to discuss the road haulage industry. I would...

Licensing a motor caravan

Classification of living vans : 1. I refer to the Questions and Answers feature in which a letter was printed requesting...

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Fiat 130 NT at 23 tonnes goy

FIAT calls its 130 range "the truck for middle-weight transport." Plated For 23 tonnes (22 tons 13cwt), the range includes...

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• Fiat NT tonne

whhe still allowing the use of the high axle option. Accessibility Like the heavier 619 model already tested by CM, the 130...

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Pressure to stop slides..

by John Hartley SUDDENLY, anti-skid systems manufacturers try to overcome systems in the USA following No one doubts the value...

Page 48

Q The compulsory use of EEC-type /ogbooks, which was due to

begin on January I this year, has been postponed for six months, but my British logbooks are run ning out fast. Should I...

I have a couple of remould tyres on my truck which have bulges in the side walls.

I pointed these out to my tyre dealer, who said that these were quite safe. Is this correct? Such bulges in new tyres could...

Q Could you tell me what type of fire . extinguisher

should be fitted to a coach in order to satisfy the Conditions of Fitness regulations? A The basic requirement of the Public...

/ sent one of my vehicles to a local market

to pick up a load of 220 lambs, which I had arranged with one of my customers. The driver went to the market and loaded 260...

Page 51

Vascar speeds justice

Patrick Prekopp joins the Met to investigate the latest speed trap BIG BROTHER—that everwatchful, sinister spectre of 1984—has...

Page 53

Light the beacons

I've heard of flaming rows, but this is ridiculous. At the FTA Solent division's first annual dinner, RHA southern area...

Unfunny farce

If the British bus transport situation in the past 10 years had been dreamt up by a fiction author he'd have been accused of...

On the move

Since my comment on that pop record Convoy I've been sent one—by Ford, who with typical initiative have got themselves a nice...

Page 54

'Tatty tippers is too true

Your comments on "Tackling tatty tippers" (CM January 30) could not be more correct. All too often, lack of maintenance leads...

I'd tell these MPs by a driver's wife

How I envied the people (CM February 20) who met a group of MPs at Westminster to discuss the road haulage industry. I would...

Licensing a motor caravan

Classification of living vans : 1. I refer to the Questions and Answers feature in which a letter was printed requesting...

Page 56

The changing face of distribution

The Roadline symbol stands for specialised distribution services on a national scale. And it stands for change, to match the...

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Like the heavier 619 model already tested by CM, the 130 does not have a tilt cab. Access for routine engine maintenance is...

Page 65

Pressure to stop slides..

by John Hartley SUDDENLY, anti-skid systems manufacturers try to overcome systems in the USA following No one doubts the value...

Page 66

I) The compulsory use of EEC-type logbooks, which was due

to begin on January I this year, has been postponed for six months, but my British logbooks are running out fast. Should I...

I have a couple of remould tyres on my truck which have bulges in the side walls.

pointed these out to my tyre dealer, who said that these were quite safe. Is this correct? Such bulges in new tyres could lead...

loading restrictions.

(3) Non-payment of a parking meter fine. (4) Keeping a vehicle on a road without a current excise licence. (5)U-turns in...

Q I sent one of my vehicles to a local market

to pick up a load of 220 lambs, which I had arranged with one of my customers. The driver went to the market and loaded 260...

Page 67

'Keeping a bark

" IT MUST BE a sign of th times," said Maggie's brcthe Cromwell, "that nobody in th Commons Select Committee o Nationalised...

Consider the employer's view

WHAT of the advantages and disadvantages of the Employment Protection Act? Now that we have seen how a number of cases have...

Page 68

Look after the passengers .. .

by Les Oldridge, TEng (CEO, MIMI, AMIRTE THE Public Service Vehicles (Conduct of Drivers, Conductors and Passengers)...


traffic lights or whenever it was stationary. In McLaughlin v Glasgow Corporation (1963) 79 Sh Ct Rep 172 it was held, in...

Good drivers extend tyre life

EVEN if the engineer and his fitters do the best they can to prolong tyre life, poor driving can cause unnecessarily rapid wear...

Page 71

Hauliers' agreements must be in the public interest and must be registered

by John Darker, AMB1M IT will come as no surprise to the senior officials of trade associations in road transport that service...

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Washing unit

A high-pressure washing unit— the Powerwash—has been introduced by E. Allman. With a pressure of 2760kN/sqin (400psi) and an...

Space heater

An automatically operated industrial space heater using untreated waste engine oil direct from the sump has been developed by...

Landing gear

A range of landing gear equipment from George Blair consists of three types of landing gear: single speed, twin speed and twin...

Electric truck

A new electric truck has been added to the petrol and diesel range of Wantage Engineering. It is designed specifically for...

Management matters

continued from page 49 feeling that the recording of a restrictive practice is a somewhat bureaucratic procedure for four...


The director-general must refer every registered agreement to the Restrictive Practices Court for a decision as to whether or...