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A PROBLEM of steadily increasing size is spotlighted in a letter on page 845 of this issue. It concerns the parking on streets...
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in Scotland ⢠I N a recent industrial report, the Scottish Office says that the Scottish motor vehicle industry's output...
V ISITING this country a few weeks ago was 51-yearold Harold Graham White, a transport personality who may reasonably be...
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By NORMAN H. THSLEY T "Ministry of Transport's statement about diesel smoke spot checks carried out recently as part of a...
T HE new 46th edition of "The Commercial Motor Tables of Operating Costs" was published on Wednesday this week and is now...
FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT F IRST steps towards the use of instruments in the exercising of tighter control over the...
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Transport Association is to hold a conference at Bournemouth from October 11 to October 13 this year. Although there will be a...
A WEEK after A.E.C., Ltd., introduced the Renown low height double-decker bus chassis, they announced the production of full...
T HEton-mileage worked by road in 1961 was about 50 per cent, more than British Railways' freight train traffic (.;â,' 17,600...
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Mr. J. W. Wh:mpenny has been appointed managing director of the engine components divisionâoverseas, of Associated...
A T the annual general meeting of F. Perkins, Ltd., Mr. F. Perkins, having reached the age of 73, did not offer himself for...
N ET profit of the Barr and Wallace Arnold Trust, Ltd., and its subsidiaries last year was £93,112, as against £89,016 for...
THIRTY MORE ORDERED: A further 30 A.E.C. Regent Mk. V double-decker buses have been ordered by Bradford City Transport, making...
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T HE Transport Tribunal, sitting in London on Tuesday, criticized the Northern Licensing Authority, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlcin, for...
FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT A NOTHER attempt to ensure that nationalized transport provided services "adequate for...
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for Europe A SPECIAL 16-ton-gross four-wheeled forward-control chassis has been developed by Atkinson Vehicles, Ltd., to form...
QCAMMELL LORRIES, LTD., have Is-di introduced a device which provides two kingpin positions and can be fitted t-3 Scammell...
W HILE the roads and town planning committees of the London County Council have welcomed the principle of a London lorry route,...
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A T the end of December, 1961, there were 185,200 A, Contract A and B-licensed vehicles in Great Britain. This was an increase...
Floist Agents in Eire: Coachbuilders. J. vIcArdle, of Quay Street, Dundalk, have been Ippointed agents in Eire for the...
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A PPLICATIONS to increase fares were made to the Scottish Traffic Commissioners in Glasgow last week by Scottish Omnibuses,...
DELFAST'S experimental 2d. flat morn"-, ing fare scheme will end on Sunday, July 15, after an eight-week period in which, it is...
P ROPOSALS to increase the fares of Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., and their 16 joint operators were considered by the chairman...
A N application by Norfolk Motor I - 1 Services, Ltd., of Great Yarmouth, for an express service from northern East Anglia to...
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initially opposed an application by Lep Transport, Ltd., at Liverpool last week. The cornpany sought a new articulated outfit...
WITNESSES representing large industrial organizations attended the )pening of a three-day public inquiry at Manchester on...
aside by Mr. S. W. Nelson. Western Licensing Authority, at Bristol last week when referring to the fact that no legal...
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FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT mEW Regulations governing the trans1 portation of abnormal loads by road will come into...
T HE Government have decided that in future individual public service vehicles need not necessarily be examined by a certifying...
T HE Minister of Transport's plan for changes in the driving licence regulation should be known soon. Lord Chesham, Joint...
A POSSIBLE revision of vehicle weights and dimensions is now being considered by the Government "in view of the increasing...
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\ DUAL-PURPOSE ambulance con version of the Thames 15-cwt., the ledford CA, and the B,M.C. 14 van has een developed by Kenex...
THE building has recently been corn": pleted of new factory premises for J. H: Sparshatt and Sons, Ltd., wellknown bodybuilders...
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IF the lock of a multi-wheeled rigid vehicle is adequate, it should be possible for the driver to reverse his lorry into the...
CLASS AâUp to 16 ft.: 1, F. Morgan (Fisher and LiallOw, Ltd.), Morris, 70 penalty points; 2. N. Slater (T. H. Slater and...
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at Portsmouth .orry Driver of he Year T HEY came from all over the South 1 to compete in the Portsmouth liminating round of...
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T AKEN at its face value, Mr. Marples' statement last week that the Government are not hurrying their decision on a Channel...
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been the feeling of resentment by householders against the commercial vehicle which parks . all night outside a private house....
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ared Of By A. J. P. WILDING L OOKING back on the Ford London to Rome trip upon which I reported in our issues of June 22 and...
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by NORMAN'H.TILSLEY A TTENTION has been drawn in this journal recently to an application by the German removals operators,...
'THE recent grant by the Northern 1 Licensing Authority, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, to D. Tarren, Ltd.. of Thornaby-on-Tees,...
E news that Jacks Motors, Ltd.. of Blackburn, sponsored by the Road Haulage Association, are again to appeal against their...
QHOULD the existence of agree Ps- ) ments, or contracts, proper12 drawn up between hauliers--whethe they haul goods or...
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("LO-AGE . PENSIONERS' tours kJ during off-peak periods are ⢠common . enough, apparently, in the Yorkshire traffic area. But...
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A SYMPOSIUM on vehicle ride was held on Monday and Tuesday at the Advanced School of Automobile Engineering, Cranfield,...
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By Ashley Taylor A.M.I.R.T.E., Associnst.T. B ECAUSE the greatest distances involved there are short by English standards,...
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A WELL - KNOWN Worcester haulier, Fred Taylor, likes twin-steer sixwheelers because they give a very valuable saving in tyre...
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This week "The Commercial Motor" Tables of Operating Costs have been published in revised fortn, taking account of the several...
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Michal Watson, Lid. Cap. £5,000. Dirs.: M. P. Watson and D. E. Watson, " Freabftelds." Loddington, Kettering. Northants. Sec.:...
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PA A NEW range of lightweight, electrically driven, portable conveyors has been designed by G. Hunter (London). Ltd., Gumley...
TEHICLE electrical systems can be V analysed with a new AvoMeter, the Model 12 Test Set, developed by Avo. Ltd., 92-96 Vauxhall...
A NEW flasher lamp, Model L678. has Plbeen developed by Joseph Lucas, Ltd., for use on fire, police, ambulance and public works...
A MODIFIED version of the SIF ./Demon cutting torch, the SIF Demon Mark II, has been produced by Suffolk Iron Foundry (1920),...
A LTHOLIGFI usually made to suit individual requirements, Bolton Patent Shutter Doors are now available from stock in two...
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A POWER-BRAKING scheme for 1-1 trailers in which the maximum operating force is controlled by the load carried is shown in...
P ATEN T No. 888,123 shows a vehicle having a lifting platform for handling loads on and off aircraft. The platform is able to...
tA A REAR loading platform for a lorry forms the subject of patent No. 889,631. The novelty resides in the linkwork used; this...
P ATENT No. 888,325 comes from Esso I Research and Engineering Company, Elizabeth, New Jersey, U.S.A., and gives details of a...
A PISTON-RING having a multitude of slots is shown in patent No. 890,421. The design gives an even expansive force but is...