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• Worcestershire haulier Keith Thomas Down, of Stourport-on-Severn, who smuggled hundreds of kilos of cannabis into Dover, has...
by Miles Brignall • Hauliers in Wales and the NorthWest face longer journeys to their Traffic Area Office following the...
• NFC, which owns Exel Logistics, Lynx and Pickfords, increased its pre-tax profit by 43% in the 28 weeks to 13 April, it...
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by Miles Brignall • The Government's plan to allow holders of rigid licences to drive artics from January 1997 is going out to...
• Oswestry-based haulier G&R Cadwallader, which shut down the bulk of its operations voluntarily (CM 6-12 June), could be...
PUTTING THE TRAILER BEFORE THE TRACTOR T he Department of Transport has the same view of road hauliers as the late Earl of...
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The all-party Transport Select Committee is taking a close look at the enforcement of road haulage legislation; last week they...
by Derren Hayes • Trucks travelling to Russia are being held up at borders and sometimes refused entry because of a row over...
• The Department of Transport and police are reviewing the way they gather information on wheel loss, says Transport Minister...
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by Miles Brignall • Police in Kent cancel twice as many roadside checks carried out by the Vehicle Inspectorate than any other...
• Southend-based receiver Moore, Stephens, Booth and White has named a date for the creditors meeting of failed tipper operator...
The Department of Transport is to sell two of its former research sites because they are no longer needed. The sale of the...
• Surrey County Council says hauliers who want to alter operating centres should talk to it first to forestall potential...
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• The Freight Transport Association is on Munro drivers by Mike Jewell • The case of alleged falsification of tachograph...
• Financial hardship in the road transport sector appeared to worsen last month with seven companies forced to call in a...
into pro posed increases in tolls on the Humb Bridge. Tolls for a four-axled truck are set o rise by 50% by October 1998, from...
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• linkman, Transport Development Group's bulk distributor, has won a £1 .5m/Iwo-year contract extension with to collect...
by Karen Miles • Operators who want discount tolls on the Severn river crossings will have to wait at least another six months...
• Intermodal freight services through the Channel Tunnel have grown significantly more reliable over the past three months,...
• Former Liberal leader Sir David Steel is asking trade associations and hauliers to help gather information on fly tipping,...
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by Dan Gilkes • Leyland Daf has completed its range overhaul with the introduction of the new 45 Series distribution trucks....
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by Bill Godwin • As predicted by Commercial Motor Mercedes-Benz' Unimog arm has extended its offroad line-up to include a...
by Brian Weatherley • ERF is developing a range of Low Height Cab EC8 rigids for fire and refuse vehicle applications. The...
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by Toby Clark I Peugeot and Citroen have developed a new model which looks set to shake up the highcube market throughout...
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• Though accepting the surrender of the licence held by Wood and Butler (Darwen), North Western IC Keith Waterworth first cut...
n . 'LW Tipper operavpi TN tor James Booth (Bolton) has been ordered to pay fines and costs totalling £1,000 after being...
• A former partner in Cardiff. based RS Transport was granted a licence in his own name when he appeared at a Cardiff public...
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• A bid for a new sip Essex operator, licence by an opposed by the police, was turned down when the company failed to appear...
• A Cumbrian operator, who wanted to retain licence authority for five vehicles because of concern about future planning...
can help! CM'S 16-page A4 Legal Directory, priced £10 inc p&p, is a valuable reference source built up by CM based upon its...
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• Cummins Engine Company has launched a branded electrical accessory range. In July branded starter motors and alternators...
• OTC has developed the TE5013 Tank Tender, designed specifically to assist with the handling of diesel fuel tanks on heavy...
• Truck-Lite International has made several additions to its range of E-approved, all-polycarbonate LED lamps. Popular models...
• Hyva (UK) has been appointed sole UK distributor for an extensive range of Italian-made Effer lorry loader cranes. The...
• Vredestein Extrusions has entered the UK commercial vehicle bodybuilding and replacement markets with a range of...
• Logistics specialist LIS has devised what it describes as a cost-effective and reliable means of tracking high-value assets...
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spiring pop star, van driver and within the next year, perhaps, the country's first Labour prime minister since 1979. Yes, it's...
AD nyone restoring an old Atkinson is invited to send in a progress report for the next edition of Rangeability, the newsletter...
0 t was 50 years ago last week that Michelin took out a patent for the world's first radial car tyre, The launch took place in...
rivers on Cornish roads normally find themselves vainly trying to pass caravans during these summer months. Recently, however,...
5 1 or from being the travelling home of a hippie commune or the Jimi Hendrix tour bus, this quaint contraption belongs to a...
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T noted your report on 1 Belgian driver Eddie de Meersrnan, who appealed his three-year sentence for killing a 20-year-old...
T agree completely with 1 Stewart Brown's criticisms of "how am ! doing?" messages on the back of trucks (CM 30 May-5 June)....
S tewart Brown is unhappy about trucks carrying signs inviting comment on driver performance (CM 30 May-5 June). He says such...
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PROMIS E Japanese truck makers have tried to take on the UK market before—so far, their attempts have been low-key,...
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Finding cost-effective ways to involve staff and boost morale is not easy. Setting up tax efficient schemes to give money to...
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LONG-TERM TEST TOYOTA HIACE POWER VAN W ere just over a third of the way through our year-long custody of Toyota's latest...
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All your trucks are out there working, which can't be a bad thing, but where exactly are they? Are they using the most...
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Delivering farm tractors requires unusual equipment, especially if you want to load three eight-tonners on to one trailer. So...
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A joint industry campaign aims to improve the image of road haulage by inviting motorists to complain about bad lorry driving...
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make sure that they're all pulling their weight. Redland Distribution did its sums and found that for some loads drawbar rigs...
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New regulations will create ill-prepared and inexperienced Class 1 drivers, says David Whitaker, transport manager, Dumfries...
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Success: A long haul or a short cut? Fil r the haulage and delivery ndustry, the signals are still at green. Its convenience...