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• r ,NE of the problems of kJ hauliers in seeking licences for extra tonnage or extended facilities . is to persuade customers...
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T HE Federation of British Industries' "Report on Nationalisation" that appears this week is well timed, in that it follows the...
Encourage Inventive Faculties THE true engineer often feels an urgent need to be A creative, and one of the ways in which he...
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That the steel, light metals and glass-fibre three-cornered fight in bodybuilding is of absorbing interest. That it may finish...
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. 1-1 A HAULIER who, through an over sight, operated his vehicle for over a year after its B licence had expired. was granted...
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A FTER hearing a haulier's application to transfer a special-A vehicle to A licence, on Tuesday, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, Northern...
C ALLED upon to show why their A licence should not be suspended or revoked, James Smith (Bicknor), Ltd English Bicknor, Gins,...
14AULIERS operating on opencast coal I I sites must be paid the proper rate for their work, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, Northern...
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MR. DAVID E, BURTON has taken charge of the London technical sales department of Rocol, Ltd. MR. ARNOLD FORSTER, head of J. D....
A LTHOUGH he admitted that evidence It by farmers had impressed him, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, Northern Licetning Authority, refused...
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S TAT1NG that Maurice James and Co., Ltd., Miles Lane, Coventry, had been en g a g ed to a co n siderable extent in breakin g...
A S the result of a public in q uiry, the Minister of Transport has refused to allow 'Cheltenham Corporation to raise from 4d....
L•VIDENCE put forward by E. A. Major and Sons (Transport), Ltd.. Hi g hbrid g e, Somerset, when they objected to another...
L'OLLOWING the pay awards to busmen, most operators are a g ain faced with the prospect of seekin g hi g her fares or...
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F OR le g al reasons chan g es have had to be made in the ar r an g ements for the compulsory testin g of vehicles (including...
CI A N application by Headlands Haula g e, Ltd., Ossett, Yorks, was described by the Yorkshire Licensin g Authority, last week,...
A S an addition to their established Paxit ran g e of barrier compression hi g h-capacity refuse collection vehicles. Dennis...
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. UTOBILE cranes and excavators . have . 13 ( 1 . on many occasions . been based on used Foden chassis. A development is the...
W HEN a haulier applies for a new licence any figures which are produced must be certified by an accountant. This was...
S .HARP criticism of the arrangements made to take 'Liverpool -workers to four glass factories at St. Helens was made this week...
Perkins Users : A total of 756 local authorities now operates Perkins oil engines, 100 more than at the end of 1957. The 1952...
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A PPLYING for fare increases which would bring in an extra £46,875 a year, East Yorkshire Motor Services, Ltd., intimated at...
T HE Northern Licensing Authority, Mr J. A. T. Hanlon, said at Carlisle last week that he was going to investigate a letter...
D ESPITE a British Railways' claim that there had been a marked recession in the slate industry, a Chester haulier stated last...
rIFTY-SIX summonses faced G. and H. Kettle, hauliers, Langwith Junction, Derbys, when they appeared before Mansfield, Notts,...
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DEJECTING a haulier's application for a new B licence, Mr. S. W. Nelson, Western Licensing Authority, said last week that he...
T ""tremendous resistance" to one man buses being put up by bus crews was referred to by Mr. W. J. Crosland Taylor, general...
of his B licence, a • livestock haulier carried cattle 50 miles and then transhipped them to his A-licence vehicle which would...
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A STERN warning was given to John Miller and Sons, Cupar, Fife, when they were granted a new A licence last week to . operate a...
T HE heavy fall in coal, mineral and other basic traffics of the railways has•not been caused by diversion to other forms of...
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P RIVATE enterprise established the Canadian Pacific Railway Co. after the British Government had declined to assist and the...
T HE C-licence operator is not a competitor with either hauliers or the railways, according to Mr. C. F. Horsley, of S. J. Fry...
UNLESS responsibility for road and rail Isa transport in London is centralized, there can be no prospect of improve ments in...
nESPITE a plea that improved road transport might revive the fishing industry at Kyle of Lochalsh, Ross-shire, the Scottish...
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By Harold Champion Despite Pay Rises There Has Been a Steady Fall in Operating Costs Since Trams Were Withdrawn T HE rapidly...
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I 'NUKE other Communist states. Li Yugoslavia is building up its infant motor industry, with help mainly from western...
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ENGIN ENGINE valves may be reconditioned by turning with the . refacing machines being marketed by E. F. Allchin and Co., Ltd.,...
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A i Lispension Italian ( New TJ Extend vehicle Manufacturers Develop Springing : Larger Makers to Increase Potential Markets...
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C HAMBERS OF COMMERCE have not always held identical opinions on the subject of road transport. The differences came out most...
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Operators' Rights By Our Legal g a l E VERY operator should know how he stands if he loges the use of his vehicle through the...
ELECT ELECTRICAL apparatus for measuring brake-pedal pressures RICAL by J. Langharn Thompson, Ltd., Springland Laboratories,...
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A PROTOTYPE 79-seat double-decker rA of advanced design is to be built, tested and put into production within 12 months by the...
" THERE is no justification for the proposal to renationalize the steel industry or long-distance road haulage," says a report...
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I HAVE read with interest a paragraph beaded "Why Not More Honesty Boxes?" under "Passing Comments" in your issue dated October...
Bird's Eye View By The Hawk A T last British Railways have admitted—not publicly, but to their staff—that an agreement has...
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How "Sequence to Failure" of Components can be Equated Against Vehicle Mileage " rATIGUE testing in the laboratory is the...
A DDING only 36 lb. to body weight. compared with I+ cwt. for a steel lining, a plastics covering for the timber floors of...
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Cheshire Haulier Ended Rail Monopoly 36 Years Ago, and his Milk Haulage Business Has Flourished I N 1922 a Cheshire farmer, Mk....
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"Authority Descended in Arena" S TATEMENTS made by the Northern .Deputy' Licensing Authority when he heard an application by...
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Variations in the Extents and Standards of Maintenance Programmes Are More Likely to Affect Costs Among Operators than...
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CONSERVING some £15,000 which might otherwise have been spent abroad, Tapper Transport Engineering, [ltd., Fanshawe Street,...
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I — % A TWO - STROKE engine forms the subject of patent No. 801,466. The engine is said to be capable of producing a higher...