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the Government on the docks dilemma will be warmly welcomed by everyone who sends vehicles to virtually any dock in Great...
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FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT TRANSPORT operators are likely soon I to get an invitation from the Ministry to assist in...
T HE road haulage industry could hardly fail to be shown up in a good light when the true facts and figures arc made known...
rA A DISPUTE between drivers employed by Dents Transport (Spennymoor) Ltd., of Tudhoe Colliery, County Durham, and the managing...
By a Special Correspondent WHEN representatives of the National VT Road Transport Federation and Society of Motor Manufacturers...
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H AULIERS must be the Chancellor of the Exchequer's favourite sons of toil, said Mr. R. B. Brittain, the chairman of the...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT T HE loading and unloading of goods " by appointment" at Britain's docksides will be among...
FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT T HE idea of an agreed, all-embracing action programme for transport in the E.E.C. has virtually...
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A COMPREHENSIVE conversion scheme to enable trailers to be engthened and/or widened, or changed rom single axle to tandem, has...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT DR1TISH RAILWAYS experts arc pressing full steam ahead with their plans for the...
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ENTY-TWO Tory M.P.s have r tabled a motion, bluntly headed Nationalization of Pipelines ", expressin g concern at the a g...
MR. MARPLES was asked in the IV". Commons this week to ensure that all road vehicles transporting coal were sheeted down to...
Hare, the Minister of Labour, described as an outstanding chan g e was last week made in the Offices, Shops and Railway...
I - 1 preventing dazzle is now being considered by the Ministry of Transport, but the department cannot yet say on which...
(Cons., Dorset West) su gg ested in the Commons last week that there should be a char g e for thc cost of police escorts for...
year drop in the number of goods vehicles over 30 cwt. unladen wei g ht involved in fatal and serious accidents, reported Mr....
received by now the professional consultants' report on where the new market should be built. Lord St. Oswald, Joint...
IT would not be appropriate to consider an annual test of li g htin g e q uipment on all vehicles over 30 cwt. separately from...
suggestion . that he should introduce special safety re g ulations for road tanker vehicles. He was not aware of any need for...
was "far too good a report not to publish it ", commented Mr. John Hay when M.P.s questioned him last week about railway...
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THE Transport Tribunal in London on 1. Tuesday reserved judgment in an appeal against the Western Licensing Authority's grant...
A N appeal by Stutter Bros. Ltd. and Robert Wynn and Son Ltd. against the grant of an A licence by the Northern Licensing...
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Cook -Ltd., of Consett (Co. Durham) to resuscitate a four-vehicle B licence conditioned for the carriage of goods for the...
N EWproblems had been created for the coach operator with the introduction of staggered industrial holidays in the Midlands,...
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IF a Gloucester meat haulier was to remain in business and serve its substantial number of meat customers it was essential...
Minister of Transport has dismissed an appeal by Foxall and Sons Ltd., of Bridgnorth. Shropshire, against the decision of the...
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Z,','EEN in the accompanying photograph is one of 50 Daimler Fleetline doubleleckers with bodywork by Walter klexander and Co....
T HE restriction of city fraffic mainly to public transport was forecast as a future necessity by Sir Herbert J. Manzoni, chief...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT THE London bus pay talks are rapidly L nearing crisis point and unless an improved offer is...
A MERICA'S Greyhound Corp operated 508 m. bus miles in 19623'8 per cent more than in 1961. Passengei miles increased by 8-9 per...
T HE Ceylon Transport Board ha decided to carry out recommends tions by an Indian Transport Study Tear that the...
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the Birmingham district of BR.S., succeeding Mr. S. W. Mack who is retiring. Since 1949 Mr. Collins has been Birmingham branch...
of Trans'''. port has elected as president for 1963-64 Mr. Keith Granville, member of the board of British Overseas Airways...
B ECAUSE the Dyson Aeroride Continental tandam-axle semi-trailer has features which make it particularly suitable for...
T HE Cheshire bodybuilding company of J. H. Jennings and Sons has been acquired by E.R.F. for about £250,000 cash. Jennings has...
D URING the year ended July 31, 1962, Daimler buses captured over 60 per cent of ali the advertised municipal bus contracts and...
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P LASTICS high-roof van bodies for fitting to Morris Mini-Minor and Morris 1000 pick-ups are being produced by Fabricated...
rXCESSIVELY high taxation on road use is one reason why industry is reluctant to set up new factories in the North, says the...
L' QUIPPED to deal quickly and effici ently with the 90,000-plus differen parts currently in use, a new service an spares...
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'HE Lamellon range of resins manu factured by N. V. Billiton Chernie, it Dutch concern, is to be marketed in itain by a newly...
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VARIOUS developments in vehicle V electrical equipment employing transistors were announced yesterday by Joseph Lucas Ltd., at...
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IS NEW item of greasing equipment – I will be available from Step Industrial iquipment Ltd., Berkhamsted, Hens, t the end of...
\ DISC brake provided with a liquid "Xcooling circuit is shown in patent No. .0,098. (General Motors Corp., Detroit, iich.,...
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ETER GAVE UP! Taking a load of furniture to I-winter by NORMAN H. TILSLEY I DID not appreciate just what I was letting myself...
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D LAING the past 12 months many steps have been taken to change the pattern of lighting of commercial vehicles. Some of the...
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-4 0NFLISION about some aspects of the regulations for front corner and ide marker lamps seems widespread mong all sections of...
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Transport engileering staff concerned in the compilation )f the regulations and, although the vfinistry officials stressed that...
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I HEAR from Mr. G. F. Williamson, traffic operating manager of Hoveringham Gravels, that the company's scheme for short-term...
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rransport in the Background I HAVE read the article by Mr. D. E. A. Pettit in the March 1 issue of The Commercial Motor with...
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THE coachbuilding division of Appleard of Leeds Ltd. has recently produced couple of special dual-purpose coaches which a...
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WRITES W ORDS are the stock-in-trade of the politician, and like . many another huckster he too easily comes to . forget the...
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r HE contentious issues which are now being discussed and decided, relative to the transfer from contract-A to open A licences,...