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BY OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT NAR. MARPLES has now completed LIU draft regulations to clamp down on the amount of noise made...
A N investigation into the issue certain B licences to haulage co/ tractors which the Cardiff police hav been carrying out for...
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r 'rHE most recent E.R.E. 88R, supplied 1 to Shell-Mex and BP Ltd., is stated to be the lightest eight-wheeler ever to leave...
A MAJOR consolidation of the Con struction and Use Regulations will be presented to Parliament by Mr. Marples early next.year....
T HE Traders' Road Transport Association is opposed to a change from left to right, in the rule of the road. The decision is a...
it has drawn up criticizing the Transport Commission's workshop closure plans, the Confederation of Shipbuilding and...
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O Ngrounds of national importance. road improvement schemes around the country's main ports should be given top priority, the...
T HE clause in the Weights and Measures Bill which says inspectors cannot stop vehicles on the highway came in for fierce...
resources is being devoted to road construction—nearly 7 per cent in 1962-63 compared with 4.7 per cent in 1958-59. This is...
RITISH RAILWAYS has decided 1-- 0 that the movement of livestock in small numbers to isolated and widely dispersed destinations...
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A BILL to shame the Government into action on the Jack Committee report is being contemplated by Mr. Rupert . Speir,...
From Our Parliamentary Correspondent T HE studies into the problems and requirements of rural transport, promised by Mr....
THE increased popularity of day 1 circular tours had resulted in an application for an extra vehicle allowance by C. Holt Ltd.,...
of propane gas for welding was stressed by Mr. J. Bradbury, a traffic superintendent of Ferranti Ltd., when he supported an...
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T HE Transport Tribunal, last week, reserved its decision on an appeal by A. Clark (Northamptonshire) against the decision of...
Licensing Authority, refused an application to transfer a vehicle from an A to B licence at.. Bristol on Monday because it had...
by W. F. Miners and Sons of Widecombe, Devon, was opposed by British Railways and British Road Services at Exmouth last week,...
1-1 APPLICANTS for goods vehicle licences or variations in the Yorkshire Traffic Area have been Warned in a special notice in...
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IS THE PRESENT LAW UNFAIR? IN January of this year, in "Licensing Casebook ", I suggested that hauliers I should watch with...
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B y far the largest application this week comes from Scotland, where Munro's Transport (Abedeen) Ltd. seeks to add A attics...
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colliery service arose between Mr. E.G. Peters, Llanarmon, and Messrs. W. J. Davies and Sons in Chester last week. Mr. E. A....
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EADERS of municipal busmen • submitted a new claim to their employers at a meeting of the National Joint Industrial Council for...
L't two points on which the Government vas attacked last week by Mr. R. 1. 3.11ery, chairman of the Public Transport...
N OW that the Chancellor of the Exchequer has cut purchase tax on private cars at enormous expense, could he legitimately claim...
L ORD PARKER, the Lord Chief Justice, said in the Queen's Bench Divisional Court last week that he felt sorry for a bus driver...
coaches is to be 1- 3. put into service by Coras Iompair Eireann at the beginning of the 1963 extended tours season. Initially...
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E DINBURGH Corporation transport committee has discussed the operatin g economics of the 36-ft. Leyland Leopard " Standee...
T HE Minister of Transport wants tc simplify the procedure by whicl Most trolley vehiele authorities have te obtain permission...
is well enou g h to resume his duties, a Newcastle on Tyne barrister, Mr. H. Bewick, has been appointed to act as deputy...
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T " prospect of future commercial vehicle tyres in the 12-ply rating category actually having only six, four or two plies is...
Equipment Leasing Co. Ltd. (ELCO) by Cranes (Dereham) Ltd. and Crane Fruehauf Trailers Ltd. to offer to selected customers,...
and Co. Ltd. have placed orders for nine A.E.C. Mammoth Major eight-wheeled chassis. • Eight will be built as tippers and the...
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1 —■ of Joseph Lucas Ltd. at the Public Works Exhibition was a new hydrostatic transmission unit. Known as the Lucas 100...
A s . a result of import-duty reductions which took effect at the end of last month, VW Motors Ltd., London, N.W.8. announce...
A COMPACT compressor-type spray painting outfit—the Miller Mini— has been introduced to the U.K. market by the Teddington...
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READ U.S.A. The Institute of Transport were told on Monday that a study of the evolution of the federal system of regulating...
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I HAVE no wish to take sides in a dispute between trade -Lunions and employers, but the protracted negotiations over the...
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S OMETIMES the truth really turns out to be what one would expect. The campaign that has been waged against the heavy goods...
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A LTHOUGH canned food is a high-grade commodity, the transport of empty tins to a cannery is a relatively low-grade traffic....
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C OMPLAINTS received by the Road Haulage-Association from members whose vehicles were delayed • unnecessarily at the point of...
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H OW can the Road Tank Operator best assist in increasing productivity? This ought to be the question in the minds of everyone...
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p OSSIBLY one of the most interesting aspects of the development of a six-cylinder automotive air-cooled engine by Ruston and...
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W E were naturally very interested in the article in your November 2 issue headed " A Diesel Coach for Me! " as the...
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T OUR October 12 issue of The Commercial Motor, under the heading "Temperature Effects on Diesel Fuel," reports me as quoting...
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I N recent articles in this series factors which affect the cost of operating commercial vehicles have been considered....
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Wyrley Transport Ltd. Cap. £1,009. Dirs.: W. J. Ilenfinsley, 15 New Street, Landywood, Gt. Wyrtey, Nr. Cannock; J. H....