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T HE IMMENSE increase in the use of our roads, both for business and pleasure purposes, and the emphasizing of the risks of...
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A COMPLAINT of a somewhat unusual character has lately been circulated—one which, because it is unusual, may not be entirely...
F OR many years efforts have been made to design a satisfactory form of lifeguard which could be fitted to the front of motor...
O NE of the greatest factors contributing to the thorough enjoyment of a coach tour, particularly if this be one of long...
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That many c.c. make light work. Of more Drakes acting too quickly. That many chain eases are sad cases. Too much of tramlines...
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In the annual report of the Commisisioner of Police for the Metropolis for the year 1924, it is stated. that 1,001 new motor...
Norfolk County Council is seeking the views of other municipal authorities on certain points relating to traffic and traffic...
Lianelly Borough Council has recently decided to purchase six trailers tor refuse and night soil collection from the Eagle...
Invitations are being sent to prominent snen engaged in the motor - industry in all countries to attend the second World Motor...
The Minister of Transport has requested Sir Henry Maybury, Director General of Roads and the Chairman of the London Traffic...
We know of a concern . which is requiring a number of road tractors suitable for towing loads up to 5 tons and of being...
Having received communications regarding mud splashing by motor vehicles, the Oldham Corporation has asked the Institute of...
Ltd., having received sanction from the Irish Free State Minister for Loral Government, to their proposed motorbus routes,...
We are told that, owing to pressurd of business in England, Sir Enid Geddes, chairman of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., has had...
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,York Corporation has recently issued a report dealing with the passenger services which it maintains in the city. The accounts...
There is little question that in many parts of tbe world the British commercial vehicle is competing very successfully with...
Cheshire County Council reports that Road Fund licence duties amounting to £282,002 were collected within the administrative...
The first of two motor fire-escapes has just been put in service by the Dublin Fire Brigade. The chassis are of the Peugeot...
The concessionnaires for a wellknown range of vehicles require a salesman-demonstrator, who must be experienced in dealing with...
The sixth annual motor parade Of the Liverpool Area Committee of the North Western Division of the Commercial Motor Users...
Strong efforts are apparently being made to develop road transport in the Irish Free State, for according to the Belfast News...
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The Ministry of Transport recently eon.ducted a public inquiry at Bury into the controversy which had arisen between The Bury...
Warwick County Council states that during the year ended March 31st last, 27,101 motor and horse-drawn vehicles Were licensed...
With a view to meeting the competition to which the municipal transport system is subjected at the hands of private motorbus...
Fifty university students are spending a period of three months in the Ford factory at Detroit for the purpose of studying...
Cardigan County Council has received a letter from the County Councils Association intimating that county councils have no...
The sum of £1,000 is estimated to be the price at which Haverfordwest Town Couneil will be able to obtain a motor fire-engine...
The 6,000-mile journey across Australia from Adelaide to Port Darwin, which has always been considered impracticable of...
London, S.W.6, have just issued a revised list of prices for their range of commercial vehicles, which took effect on August...
In his report to the members of the Chester Watch Committee on the traffic census taken by the police at Chester Cross on a...
The highways committee of the Warwick County Council has considered an application from the occupier of a house just outside...
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The Greenock Tramway Co. have recently instituted a service of buses to serve the upper parts of Greenoek and the outlying...
During the first 20 days of the month of July the Ford Co. sold 12,168 t6n trucks, a figure which represents an increase of 30...
Reporting on the Burnley Corporation Bill, the Lancashire County C r ouneil says that, so far as the running of buses outside...
Watson Cairns and Co., Ltd., of Leeds, who are motorcyclist specialists and factors, make uSe of the commercial sidecar outfit...
At a meeting of the Sheffield Corporation the town clerk reported that during the year ended March 31st last motor licences...
Reporting on the Oldham Corporation Bill, Lancashire County Council states that the main point of the opposition was directed...
According to a Department of Overseas Trade Report just issued on the economic and commercial conditions in Turkey, no...
At a recent meeting of the Oxford Watch Committee the chief constable reported that during the quarter ended June 30th last...
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Surrey County Council has authorized the purchase of a Foden steam wagon at a cost of £800. Taf Fechan Water Board has...
Lancashire County Council reports that it was unnecessary to petition against the Barrow-in-Furness Corporation Bill as the...
A committee of the Cape Town Corporation recommends seeking legislative sanction to enable the corporation to close to...
The Tenby Voluntary Fire Brigade is to purchase a Hatfield motor fire pump from Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., of Greenwich,...
Britain), Ltd., Chelsea Wharf, Lots Road, London, S.W.10, have just issued a new revised retail price list for their...
The Latest Garrett Passenger Vehicle Under Test. Features of its Design and Capabilities. B Y arrangement with the Ipswich...
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A National Tendency Towards the Increased Use of Road Transport. By Edward S. Shrapnell-Smith, ?THERE is a die-hard group in...
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The Cudgels are Again Brandished on Behalf of the Worm Drive in Answer to the Attacks of the Protagonist of the Chain. By "A...
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The Road Fund "Mobilization." Two-seater Cabs Under Consideration. Offences Against the Speed Limit. Roads and the New...
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rrIIIE PROBLEM of protecting the pedestrian who is un fortunate enough to be struck by the front end of a motor vehicle is one...
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This Study of How the Problem is Dealt with in the United States Shows that the Modern Passenger Vehicle is the Key to the...
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JR OF 'STEERING. W HILST many developments have taken place in the design of most parts of. the chassis, such as the engine,...
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How Centralized Baking Has Served to Provide Increasing Scope for the Use of the Motorvan. B AKERS and confectioners...
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Details of a Machine which Embodies Two Separate Armatures and Current Circuits. JJ YNAMOS by which the lamps of a tractor,...
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Is a Very Large Vehicle Desirable for a New Recruit to the Hauliers' Ranks ? MO THE MAN who contemplates making money by...
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A Vehicle of Attractive Design Recently Delivered for Service in Hilly Districts. A MONGST the various types of passenger...
Facts and Figures Relating to the Operation of a System of Municipal Transport, for the Maintenance of which Three Types of...
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A Successful Municipal Fleet, to which Considerable Additions Have neett Made During the Corporation's Past Financial Year. A...
Second-hand commercial vehicles find a ready sale through the Classified Section of "The Commercial Motor." Here's recent...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of...
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A CARBURETTING device by which any existing petrol engine can be converted for the burning of either heavy or light liquid...
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How to Get the Best Out of a Vehicle, to Secure Reliability and to Avoid Trouble, 632.—An Improved Method of Fitting and...
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Hints Given by Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. "EIOR the following two tips suggested by "A.W.," of Dewsbury, this week's...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications. T HE invention, which is described in specification No. 235,509, by F....