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• Sales of SISU commercial vehicles —made in Finland by Oy Suomen Autoeollisuus AB—in the' UK will begin next year. For-Con...
• Two prototype battery electric buses for use in city centres have been ordered by the Department of Trade and Industry. They...
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from our Parliamentary correspondent • The Government's determination to cut down fumes and noise from lorries has been...
• The announcement of the Government's decision on manufacturers' proposals for an increase in the present 32-ton maximum...
• While the United Transport Company showed a pre-tax profit for the half year of £2,779.000 and is expected to pay an interim...
• Transport users in the Common Market want a system of guideline minimum-maximum tariffs to supersede the obligatory...
• "We have not asked Mr Peyton for vehicles of 44 tons; we want to carry the same loads on shorter vehicles which would cause...
• The following dates have now been confirmed for exhibitions next year which will feature commercial vehicles: Brussels,...
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• The express parcels carriers in South Wales, Devon and Cornwall and the West of England who are members of the Road Haulage...
• An attempt to seek the annulment of the Industrial Training Levy (Road Transport) Order 1970 by the procedural device of...
• Mr D. D. Boyd, the BRSL shop steward in Glasgow, has been suspended for four weeks following an appeal to the management...
• Yorkshire road hauliers were praised for leading the country in the provision of co-operative facilities and services by Mr...
• Samuel Williams (Transport) Ltd, of Dagenham, recently demonstrated a new type of semi-trailer which will effectively ease...
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by Gordon Crabtree • Because of the effects of slum clearance and town planning schemes road hauliers in towns and cities...
• Humber Warehousing Group has joined the Common Carriers Conference (Irregular Routes) of the American Trucking Association in...
• Hilton Transport Services, which went public last month, have launched a new division within the group. As part of his...
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by John Darker • The first International Physical Distribution Management Conference in London last week brought together some...
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• Despite recent legislation, there were still a number of inefficient incompetent transport managers operating fleets and one...
• At a one-day seminar for members of one of the RTITB's Business Improvement Groups at Leamington Spa last week CM staff...
• Member companies of CETI, the European consortium of international removal companies, have registered a marked increase in...
• A series of papers covering such subjects as ease of maintenance as a design function. defect feedback systems and the cost...
• A simple answer to the problem of carrying occasional overlength loads on a vehicle fitted with an hydraulic tail-lift has...
• The Mersey Docks and Harbour Board is now operating what is thought to be the first weighing machine designed explicitly to...
• Following a series of successful trials, Frigoscandia Transport of King's Lynn is to start operating Bonallack refrigerated...
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• The amalgamation of Transport Users' Consultative Committees and the Traffic Commissioners into one body was advocated last...
• The BET Road Passenger Transport Award will be available again for presentation in 1971. Offered annually by the British...
• Uniform fare concessions for pensioners and disabled people have been rejected by one Passenger Transport Executive and...
• A symposium for public transport policy makers is to be held by the University of Newcastle upon Tyne from March 23 to 25...
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• Six regions are to replace the present nine regions of the National Bus Company in connection with a new management structure...
• No general fares increases are planned for London Transport next year, states a report from the policy and resources...
• The possibility of having municipal buses in Glasgow painted in only one colour is being studied by the transport committee....
• Stratford-upon-Avon Blue Motors Ltd, and Neath and Cardiff Luxury Coaches Ltd are two undertakings affected by the latest...
• Leicester City Transport is applying to the East Midlands Traffic Commissioners for permission to raise its fares again; the...
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• "I do not take a defeatist attitude. I do not say that the bus is finished. There is much of great interest still to be...
Arthur George Jones, deputy chairman of Guy Motors, has retired; his successor is Joseph James Johnson, 50, who was righthand...
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• A Bristol transport company paid nearly £600 to a local garage for inspection and repair work to six vehicles when a vehicle...
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• Spiralling costs of vehicle maintenance were referred to at a public inquiry in Aberdeen last week when Kelman of Turriff was...
• Mr Charles Hodgson, chairman of the North Western Traffic Commissioners, granted an application for a fares revision to...
• British Road Services Ltd was fined £25 and ordered to pay five guineas costs, at Harlow magistrates' court this week, after...
• The Goods Vehicles (Operators' Licences) (Temporary Use in Great Britain) (Amendment) Regulations 1970 were laid before...
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• The performances of dual-fuel diesel engines that take in up to 25 per cent of the combustible fuel in the form of liquefied...
• A new range of hydraulically operated vehicle washing equipment, intended for vans, coaches, buses and transport containers,...
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• Colonel Jack Vickers, manager of the British Standards Institution planning department, was highly critical of transport...
• Prevention of rusting from the inside as well as outside is provided by a process employed by Endrust Autotruck Rustproofing...
• An Anthony Carrimore tipping semi-trailer with a 40-ton capacity—the heaviest carrying capacity of any ever built at the...
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• George Hughes has just entered the transport world by a sophisticated and unusual route. Earlier this year he formed a...
by the Hawk Hotfoot, after reading last week's CM leader, I took myself off to Olympia to look at the National Careers...
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by Handyman Benchwise: lathe sense (39) THIS IS my penultimate article on the garage lathe and its value in decreasing...
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by lain Sherriff, MITA A WELSHMAN EXPANDS BY CONTRACTING LAST year when speeding across Northern Europe in the...
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SUCCESS through changing a trading pattern is not the sole preserve of the small operator nor is it confined to the private...
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ASK Britain's hundreds of coach and tours operators what they most wish for in 1971 and they will answer, with one voice, an...
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evening cannot be accepted, even if the actual content of the work could in many cases be operated within the spreadover and...
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by E. M. G. Gibbins COPENHAGEN'S entire bus fleet, numbering some 500 vehicles, is to be fitted with a specially evolved...
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"BETTER TO LET IT WEAR OUT THAN RUST OUT" ONE problem that successive British Governments seem unable to get to grips with is...
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We welcome letters far publication on transport topics. Address them to Commercial Motor, Dorset House, Stamford Street, London...
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BODY BUILDERS AND BUS GRANTS THE range of specifications for buses designed to qualify for the 25 per cent Government rebate,...
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by Derek Moses DESPITE all the gloomy reports of the troubles encountered by the bus industry during the past months and the...
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by Derek Moses and David Lowe PASSENGER transport undertakings should be geared-up by now for the conversion (where necessary)...
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Ask silly questions . . by Janus M ORE attention during the electricity dispute has been paid to selected and sometimes...
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that the Karrier Bantam tractive unit will _not meet future braking requirements. Could you let me have any information on this...
have been applied over an extended period? Are disc brakes less likely to fade than drum brakes and if so why? And is mosture...
article by Les Oldridge in "Know the Law"—in the October 23 issue of Commercial Motor, any person in charge of a vehicle can be...
that on some weeks it is possible that a driver may not do any actual driving at all. He may be on site doing building work all...
There are further exemptions as follows: 1. Drivers who drive goods vehicles for not more than 4 hours on each day of the...
A The addresses of the Government bookshops which stock Her Majesty's Stationery Office publications are as follows: 49 High...
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matters by John Darker AMBI M The end of carriers' licensing QUANTITY licensing, under a suspended sentence of death since...
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by Les Oldridge, AM - E, AMIM' Drinking and driving (2) LAST WEEK I was considering the defence to a charge of being "in...
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EVERY YEAR I am amazed by what a minute proportion of time candidates who are preparing for transport examinations spend on...
L and S. Lawrence (Transport Services) Ltd. Cap,: £100. Dirs.: J. Lawrence, Susan Lawrence, 191 Tenniswood Rd, Enfield, Middx....
by John Vann, FCII The windscreen that s-h-a-t-t-e-r-e-d • Windscreen breakage cover has been associated with private car...