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BY H. BRIAN COTTEE R OAD hauliers and the• railways are I Ns 'going to work together as a matter of policy. This was made...
T HE second in the series of efficiency pamphlets designed to encourage quicker vehicle turn-round was published yesterday by...
FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT T HE Labour Party has not given up the fight to allow weights and measures inspectors to...
From a Special Correspondent T HE overall length of 42 ft. for articulated vehicles, proposed by the Ministry of Transport to...
T HE Transport and General Workers' Union has lodged a new three-part claim with the Road Haulage Ways Council. It asks for the...
I N his annual report, Mr. W. Lionel Fraser, chairman of Thomas Tilling Ltd., noted that the pressure on short haulage rates in...
T HE National Council of the Road Haulage Association is almost certain to confirm an increase in membership subscription...
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T HE fifth annual conference of the National Co-operative Traffic Managers' Association will be held at the Norbreck Hydro,...
BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT THE E.E.C. Commission is now work". ing through the items . of common transport policy which form...
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the Road Haulage Association, Mr. .1. F. Cox, told the area's annual meeting in Bristol that the road haulage industry does not...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT THE Army, which paid £413,600 to private hauliers for hired vehicles in 1961-62, has decided...
IN a paper entitled "Recent Develop1 ments in Vehicle Instrumentation" read at a meeting of the Institute of Road Transport...
1 - 1 A NEW B.R.S. Parcels Branch is to open shortly in Colwyn Bay. It will have a 140-ft. long by 21-ft. wide platform within...
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FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT S TRONG Labour Party and trade union pressure is being put on the Government to consider road...
From Our Parliamentary Correspondent M R. HAROLD WILSON, the Leader of the Opposition, asked Mr. Macmillan last week in the...
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A SERIES of applications by the 1 - 3North Western Road Car Co. Ltd., ultimately designed to improve the stage carriage...
T HE tax of N. 9d. a gallon on the dery used by 75,000 buses and coaches —a rate of 275 per cent—made the rate of taxation on a...
T HE East Midland Licensing Authority, Mr_ C. R. Hodgson, adjourning an application by a Coventry car transporter agency, told...
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'THE Transport Tribunal, sitting in I. London last week, dismissed an appeal by .Pitter Brothers Ltd. of Southampton against...
T HgRE was strong opposition by British . Railways to applications by R. Garner Ltd_ and its associated company, J. T. O'Hare...
IN a written decision, the Minister of Transport has refused two appeals against decisions of the West Midland Traffic...
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Trailer Length Specifications—Principle Uncertain T HE Transport Tr:bunal's judgment in the "long trailer" appeal by R.A.H....
WHEN I reviewed the S. and S. Vif (Contracts) Ltd. application in these columns last August I said that I was under the...
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Y OU cannot please everybody, it seems, especially when it comes to commenting on matters of licensing. One of the hazards I...
HAULAGE APPLICATIONS T WO fairly substantial contract A to B licence switches have been notified this week. In the...
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C OMB1NED effect of the speed limit being raised to 40 m.p.h. and the opening of new motorways was to enable coach excursions...
A T two conferences held during the Easter week-end there were direct criticisms of the present C licence system. The Mayor of...
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uOW long will it be before refrigera ted forced ventilation becomes accepted as part of the normal equipment of a coach? Not...
From Our Industrial Correspondent L ONDON TRANSPORT was given a plain warning last week of trouble ahead if it goes on with...
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T HE second (1963) edition of "The Blue Book ", published by Transport Journal Publications Ltd., 79-80 Petty France,...
QUPPORT for more two-centre coach holidays in Britain, came from Mr. H. Tuff, general manager of the West Yorkshire Road Car...
Surrey and South Middlesex area of the Traders Road Transport Association. Mr. K. H. Hodges was re-elected vice-chairman.
Transport Co. Ltd., has been elected chairman of the Yorkshire section of the Institute of Transport. Immediate past chairman...
been appointed president of the Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Michigan, U.S.A. He will assume his new responsibilities on May...
the Midland division of the Ministry of Transport, is to succeed Mr. L S. McNeil as deputy chief engineer, Trunk Roads and...
Eastern division of the Ministry of Transport, is to replace Mr. W. F. Adams as assistant chief engineer, Traffic Engineering.
Transport headquarters, is to succeed Mr. J. D. W. Jeffery, who has retired, as assistant chief engineer, Trunk Roads.
Western area of the Road Haulage Association. Mr. A. D. Forsey has been elected vice-chairman.
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" THERE is a need for a British stan dard to govern the level of heat transfer through a refrigerated vehicle and to determine...
T HREE new milk-float bodies have been announced by R. W. Osborne and Son Ltd., Saffron Walden, Essex. They are the Dairyet...
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1 - 1. A SYMPOSIUM on automatic transmissions is bein g held by the Advanced School of Automobile En g ineering at Cranfield,...
T HE April issue of Oil Engine and Gas Turbine contains a new and complete catalo g ue of all British-made oil (diesel) en g...
Traction Co. Ltd., of Stokeon-Trent, is to increase its fleet of A.E.C. Reliance single-deckers to nearly 150 as a result of on...
A CLUTCH, g earbox and final drive rtunit is disclosed in patent No. 912,675. This is apparently a development of a g eneral...
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TACKS designed for the removal of units J from vehicle chassis have been introduced into this country from America by Applied...
D ETAILED information on the International Transport Exhibition, to be held in Munich, West Germany, in 1965, is contained in a...
A NEW type of washing-down gun has been added to the range of compressed-air equipment made by B.E.N. Patents Ltd., High...
MEARLy 400 of the 1,000 pages in 1 I Motor Specifications and Prices, 1963, are devoted to goods and passenger vehicles built...
CHANGES have been made to CaStrolite and Castrol XL engine oils. Additional additives have been incorporated in Castrolite (SAE...
Industries Ltd„ Davis Road, Chessington, Surrey. It is sold in a 10 oz. " squeeze" container and costs 5s. 6d. retail....
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Powered by a Cummins 250 b.h.p. supercharged engine the Wynn-Pacific 6 x 6 tractor is equipped with a S.C.G. eight-speed...
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I WAS somewhat surprised by the vehement way in which I T.R.T.A. president K. C. Turner decided to speak out (as reported last...
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Overloading, black smoke, poor maintenance. These are some of the charges most frequently thrown at goods vehicle operators....
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nASED at the Rogerstone works . of Alcan .Industries Ltd, of Banbury, four standard York Trombone extensible trailers are...
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DODGE CHOOSE THE BORG & BECK CLUTCH When you are choosing a clutch for a new vehicle—what do you look for? A reliable and...
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as courageous' W HAT may seem almost a desperate attempt to get away from the charmed circle of Labour Party thinking on...
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Security Measures Too Slack I READ recently an article concerning hi-jacking of valuable loads. This state of affairs would not...
A FLEET of 37 Guy Arab Mark V double-decker bus chassis for the West Pakistan Road Transport Board is being exported to Lahore...
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PLANNING FOR PROFIT L _ AST week in this series a start was made in considering the provisions and safeguards that should be...