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19th June 1982
19th June 1982
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Page 1, 19th June 1982

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It's ill advised

FEWER man-days have been lost through industrial disputes during the past two years than for a long time. Absenteeism is also...

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Euro lorry inches into EEC's focus

ki EEC AGREEMENT on lorry weights came a step closer at last sek's meeting of transport ministers in Luxembourg, with...

It could be worse

RITAIN's roads would be in a r less acceptable state if a 20 onne gross weight limit was perated, Transport Under acretary...

RHA chairs test panel

THE ROAD Haulage Association Is to chair the Vehicle Operators' Advisory Panel on Heavy Goods Vehicle Testing, the body...

Hauliers want own board

A SEPARATE road haulage industry training board, with an industry-nominated chairman and a staff of 50, should be created as a...

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A45 ban looming

LORRIES over 16.5 tonnes gross weight will be banned from a ninemile section of the A45 Haven Ports trunk road in...

Dip's cash thoughts

THE DEPARTMENT of Transport this week asked the construction industry for its views on possible schemes for injecting private...

Private road plan unveiled

PRIVATE INVESTORS could be invited to build new roads and be repaid by the Government or road users over several years,...

Renault lost £61m

THE RENAULT Group lo £61.36m last year. Consolidati turnover, before tax, came £7.97bn, an increase of 10 p cent over the...

CM LDoY winners

MORE finals of the CM Lor Driver of the Year cornpetitic have taken place and the ft lowing results were recorded Birmingham:...

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Ford SA upset

IE ANTI-Apartheid Movement Rlanning to disrupt the launch the Ford Cortina-based one , pick-up, scheduled for June The...

Tank regs

A DRAFT CODE of practice giving practical guidance on the operational provisions of the 1981 Dangerous Substances (Conveyance...

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Tacho trips up a Yorkshire operator

IVERS' HOURS and tachograph offences led to Fred K. Holman imbleforth) Ltd, and nine of its drivers, being fined £1,015 with 18...

.orry traffic increasing

EAVY goods traffic increased volume for the last quarter of 181 when compared with the . evious year. Provisional figures...

Owner-driver is fined £150

AN OWNER-DRIVER from Stratford, East London, John Edward Hunt, has been fined a total of £150 by magistrates at Grays, Essex....

Well done

A 100 PER CENT pass rate has been achieved by students who attended a one-week residential Certificate of Competence course...

The pain in Spain

NO INCREASE ih the number of Spanish road haulage permits will be made this year, as the Spanish authoruities failed to agree...

Tolls up

TOLL CHARGES on the Forth Road Bridge are to be increased sharply to ease its financial burden. The largest increase is in the...

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Transmode talk

ALL ASPECTS of inter-modal international transport were covered at the Transmode '82 conference in Basle, Switzerland last...

Railmen all at sea

BRIAN STONE, head of market research at Intercontainer, the international railway combined transport organisation, told the...

Six per cen fail in test

THE NUMBER of lorries tes at Department of Transp heavy goods vehicle testing 1 tions fell by six per cent 0.725m in 1981/82....

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Driver sacked for sticking to his hours

SCOTTISH lorry driver who refused to drive to Wick in two nights as acting within his rights as he said it was not possible to...


ECURICOR has been named as stributor for England, Scotnd and Wales for the Finglas nge of vehicle antennas. The antennas will...

First aid

NEW FIRST AID regulations coming into force at the start of July have prompted the British Safety Council to extend its...

Felixstowe up by 40pc

ONTAINER traffic through the port of Felixstowe increased by over LI per cent during 1981 to a new record of 348,930 boxes....

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Ital picks up a van

BL CARS has brought the specification of its 440/575 range of vans and pick-ups into line with the It& car range. Changes have...

Sisu's twin

A NEW twin tilt cab Sisu desi was exhibited at the Kuljetus I hibition at Helsinki earlier tl month, reports BILL GODWIN....

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York plans launc of new products

IRK TRAILER is to develop its home market business later this ar, and will start a programme of specialisation at some of its...

Le robot

RENAULT Vehicles Industrials is now operating what is believed to be the world's first fully-automated flexible production cell...

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NBC makes £26m after big savings

AN EIGHT per cent overall fall in passenger levels did nothing to prevent the National Bus Company from making a £26m profit on...

lndepender support

CONSERVATIVE oppositi members of the Greater Lond Council transport commit1 have recorded their disappro of a GLC decision to...

City cuts repair bill

Stubs claims that no repaired components have had to be returned to the workshops since NCT started using it last year. The...

Tyne bus cutback?

TYNE AND WEAR County Council has warned that if independent operator Low Fell Coaches is successful in its application to run a...

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Ribble on show

tIBBLE Motor Services is iolding an open day this Sunlay (June 20) at its Frenchwood, )reston headquarters and Preson Garage....

BMH loss

BUS MANUFACTURERS (Holdings) Ltd, the joint Leyland Bus/National Bus Company bus building company lost money last year. NBC...

LT staff protest

LONDON TRANSPORT bus workers are planning a demonstration in protest at proposed cuts in bus services. It will be organised by...

Reading workshop

SMITHS GARAGE of Reading, the repairs division of Smiths Luxury Coaches, has opened a purpose built workshop at Theale near...

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York weathers the storm

THERE has been so much talk of businesses emerging leaner, trimmer, and more efficient from the recession that one could be...

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'he gentle art of lot communicating

IR ROBERT LAWRENCE, NFC lairman, was in his most niably evasive form when he 'esided at the low-key Press mference at which the...

Veed In the other lan's grass

RANSATLANTIC grass appears be greener whichever side of le ocean one happens to be Id dandelions bloom like • chids. West...

'Making the green one red'

WHEN the Green Line limitedstop coach network was inaugurated by the London General Omnibus Co more than 50 years ago, who...

Pelf, pelt and piffle

SOMEONE who senses that The Sun is not my preferred reading but thinks I should know how the ruling class lives, has sent me...

Too old at 45 in Crete?

A COACH PARTY of British pensioners was hurtling along unfenced Cretan mountain roads, swinging to left and right around bend...

How many hours did he sleep?

WHEN the exuberant Ken Rogers performed the last rites of a retiring RHA chairman by welcoming the guests at the association's...

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An opening for more side-load reefers

Operators who want refrigerated trailers with curtainsiders need to look around. Bill Brock has been helping them do it and has...

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What's my line? Am I a bus or a trainl

Mercedes O-Bahn buses use permaneni way or public roads. Will we ever see them in operation? Noel Millier investigates IS IT A...

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Bizarre way to routeing

IT IS already obvious that the Department of Transport's handling of the attempt to get higher vehicle weights has been inept....

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Last of the few

This man 16.280 with turbocharged engine is uncannily quiet, reports Tim Blakemore, and its thirteen-speed Fuller gearbox is a...

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Alloy danglers save weight at a price

They are more likely to be of use keeping the specialist operator within the law rathei than allowing him more payload. By...

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ATLAS EXPRESS Group has made ROBERT HUNTER deputy chairman, with responsibility for Atlas Express, Atlasair, and Eurofreight....

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'Incredible' mini artics

Squeezing beneath 3.5 tonnes gross is a real advantage to firms that don't want the bother of 0-licences. By David Wilcox...

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iuidelines to Ificiency

FFICIENCY is linked to knowing that must be done and doing le right thing. Managers bear a eavy responsibility in this aspect...