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MHIS issue, the 3,109th, marks the 60th anniversary of The Commercial Motor, issue number one having been published on March...
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T HE proposed route for the seven-mile Carlisle by-pass section of the Birmingham-Carlisle motorway (Mb) has been published as...
U NDER a contract which came into effect at the beginning of this month, British Road Services Ltd. is to deal with the total...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT THE Ministry of Transport is to spend 120,00411 on the experimental testing of 1 heavy goods...
E Trades Union Congress had nothing from past experience of transport nationalization. This was stated by Mr. A. R. Butt,...
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rHE suggestion that the Co-operative movement should examine the possioility of rationalizing neighbouring translort services,...
NEW door-to-door service for the -1 delivery of Irish livestock in Great ritain was announced this week by the ational Farmers'...
G ROUP profit,, before tax, of the Transport Development Group for 1964 was £3,792,636, compared with £2,768,567 in 1963. A...
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THE ultimate answer—already pracec1. able—to making articulated outfits stable was to equalize the braking effort on all axles...
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THE C licence had been allowed to "run riot" and if nothing was done ibout it the economy of the country vould suffer greatly....
oT President Talks About Transport Management 110DERN road transport tankers, WI operated by the National Coal oard, were...
A N order from British Road Services Ltd. for 200 Single-one platform semi-trailers designed to take a load of 16 tons has been...
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S UM, trim and fighting fit. That is how the Transport Minister, Mr. Tom Fraser, would obviously like the nationalized road...
F URTHER examination of the simple, manually operated fog warning system for the MI had shown that this would not be an...
T HE rate of expenditure on MI repairs in 1964-5 and 1965-6 would be £865 per lane-mile of repairs for the concrete section,...
M EMBERS pressed in the Commons this week for a scheme to ensure that vehicles involved in serious accidents should not be...
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By our Industrial Correspondent rrHE Committee of Inquiry set up by the Minister of Labour, Mr. Ray Gunter, under the...
From Our Political Correspondent DEPAYMENT of Mr. Callaghan's 6d. a-gallon extra fuel tax to the stage sus operators will...
Edinburgh Faces £508,000 Deficit G LASGOW must raise £1m. and 1 .--1 Edinburgh faces a record deficit of £508,000 at the end of...
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D ETAILS of a scheme to turn private cars into p.s.v., complete with licence and vehicle examination, in order that they may...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT T HE dispute over the London busmen's recent pay-and-hours agreement was resolved last week...
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re-elected chairman of the international road transport group of the Road Haulage Association for the ensuing year, and Mr. C....
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T ' appeal of H. M. Sutcliffe Ltd.. Littleborough, against the refusal of the North Western Licensing Authority to grant a...
roTOTOR VEHICLE COLLECTIONS LVI LTD., and B. J. Henry Ltd., appealed before the Tribunal on Tuesday and Wednesday against the...
A N application by Regan Bros. (Hault1 age) Ltd., London, El, to add six articulated vehicles together with refrigerated...
Munson to the Transport Tribunal against the refusal of the Eastern deputy Licensing Authority to grant an additional A licence...
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n ESP1TE a strict declaration hat they would restrict work under their normal user to no more than 5 per cent, Refrigerated...
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FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT UMOURS that British Railways may be pulling out of the Road Rail Negotiating Committee machinery...
TWd 0 large A-licence applications were ealt with quickly by the new North Western Authority, Mr. C. R. Hodgson, at Manchester...
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B ECAUSE of failure to reach agreement on the proposed terms, the bid by Caravans International Ltd. to acquire the issued...
THE Hope anti-jack-knife device for artics was awarded a gold medal— top award in the vehicle safety class— at the 14th annual...
By A. J. P. Wilding, A 1 Meek E T O swer criticisms that triplediaphragm brake chambers have a short life and to show that...
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T HE five-bearing three-boss piston was obviously applicable to diesel engines. claimed Mr. C. D. Brewer of the Ford Motor Co....
PPLICATIONS are invited for a 1 - 1 Rees Jeffreys Studentship, tenable at the London School of Economics, to enable a suitable...
engine factory of F. Perkins Ltd., at Eastfield. Peterborough, is now in production as an extension to the main plant. Road...
A N electrically operated conveyor is fitted in a trough in the floor of this Bedford TK 5-tonner, which has a 3-ft. chassis...
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The GV9 Universal Joints THE days are long past when the road wheels were turned by oddities in the form of couplings or...
U TSE of a removable goose-neck is said to speed front-end %–ti loading and unloading of this low-loader semi-trailer recently...
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and Publications Power Vacuum Cleaner 1-1 A HIGH-SPEED power vacuum cleaner, the Advance Roamer, claimed to be capable of...
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By P.A. C. BROCK1NGTON, A Ng I Meet' E AIR RESISTANCE DISCUSS goods vehicles with the average C-licensee or haulier, and I'll...
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B ORN into socialism, reared in socialism, matured in socialism— that, in briefest terms, is a summary of Tom Fraser's life up...
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By G. MacKenzie Junner, M I MechE, M I RT E, Mlnst Met T HIS week marks the Diamond Jubilee of "The Commercial Motor "—a most...
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Here's the supreme test of Freightmaster's toughness and stamina. Loaded to capacity with £36,000 worth of precision...
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By The Hawk Public Still Pays "If railways are carrying goods to any points at a loss (and it is believed that in some cases...
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C OMPOSERS of grand opera no longer concern themselves exclusively with powerful but simple passions played out against a...
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"Early for Bluebells, Mrs. Johnson ?" The stout lady in the salad hat didn't answer. She had turned with a loud sigh to glare...
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By A. G. DAVIES, FAPHI,MIPC W ITHOUT doubt the main sales market now is for compression-type vehicles, the bodies for the bulk...
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F OR 60 years—and appropriate to its title—" The Commercial Motor" has placed continuing emphasis on the economic and allied...
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Dimmed Headlights Campaign WE thought you might be interested in the following " information for publication in your journal....
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The Changing Coal Industry SINCE 1957, coal has ceased to be the complete base of the country's ener g y. Before that date the...