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T HE COMMERCIAL Vehicle Show which opened at Olympia on the 15th instant, and which closes on the 23rd instant, is certainly by...
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Of cantilevers for coaches. , Lest we forget-35 per cent. I That they ought to call it Shell s. d. An awful lot about...
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The wheel of wealth wilt be slowed by ail difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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The Economy of Fuel, Time, and Labour in a Delivery Service Justifies the Outlay on the Device. I N CONSIDERING the broad...
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The Writer Believes That Within a Year from Now Most of the Trade in Commercial Vehicles will be Done Through Agents. By "...
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A Novel and Simple Transmission System which Overcomes Many Difficulties and Enables the Vehicle to be Run by the...
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TN THEIR adaptability to modern con'. ditions, the showmen's resourceful. ness in relation to mechanically-propelled vehicles...
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Mafters of Topical Interest to Proprietors of Chars-a-bancs. Bristol as a Thriving Centre for Motor Coacning. N OTtIN itself...
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Partitalarly Addressed to Those Who are Replacing Horsed 'Vehicles by Mathis, Contemplating So Doing: T lIE Show at Olympia...
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A Brief - Survey of the Exhibits Displayed on the Stands of the Leading Accessory and Component Manufacturers. H OWEVER', mach...
Stand No. 205. "Ferodo lined' is an expreSsion which is in common use in chassis specifications, and en that account the brake...
A direction indicator for commercial vehicle use, which indicates at both the front and rear of the vehicle, is shown on this...
Stand No. 198. This London concern are noted for their productions in wheel construction, a reputation built up since 1836....
stand No. 168. A wide range of the well-knorwn machine tools and accessories made by this established company are displayed....
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StandNo. 168. Drummond Bros., Ltd. Guildford, who specialize in. lathes and tools for motor repair work, have an interesting...
Stand No. 119. H. Miller and Co., Ltd., Birmingham, exhibit an electric lamp set with a specially robust tape of dynamo. The...
Stand No. 121. The specialities of Sterling Metals; Ltd., Coventry, comprise castings in aluminium ' iron, bronze, extruded...
Stand No. 158. C. C. Wakefield and Co., Ltd, 30-32, Cheapeide, London, E.C., have a full range of oils and, greases for all...
Stand No.165. W. H. Wilcox and Co., Ltd., 32, Southwaek Stheet, S.E. 1, have a complete exhibit of high grade motor oas, in...
Stand No. 194. The Challenge Oil Co., Ltd., Stoke Newingbon, N. 16, exhibit a complete range of lubricants, etc., comprising...
Stand No. 118. Allen Liversidge, Ltd., 106, Victoria Street, London, S. W., show their wellknown system of lighting by means...
Stand No. 196. British Timken, Ltd., Ward End, Birmingham, exhibit a comprehensive range of Timken taper roller bearings,...
Stand No. 109. R. Stephens and Sons, 63, Church Read, Upper Norwood, London, S.E., exhibit a number of specialities, notable...
Stand No. 133. Joseph Lucas, Ltd., Birmingham. have a very interesting and comprehensive exhibit of dynamo lighting seta,...
Stand No. 130. The C.A.V. electrical equipment shown by the very old-established house of C. A. Vandervell and Co. Acton Vale,...
Stand No. 156. The Marles Steering Co., Ltd., 64, Mortimer Street, London, W. 1, exhibit the Merles patent cam and rocker...
Stand No. 201. The display here is of a very varied description, ranging from engines .to small tools.. The following call for...
Stand No. 197. This well-known magneto concern show all models suitable' for engines up to 60 hp. of four and six cylinder...
Stand No. 188. Coventry Radiator Co., Raglan Works, Coventry. A range of radiators in different types is shown here,...
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The Steel Barrel Co., Ltd., Uxbridge, Middlesex, display their storage and measuring inetallation for .motor This has a number...
Stand No. 199. plural Patents, Ltd.,. 48, Dover Street, London, W.1, display a steering - wheel attachment which disperize.s...
Stand No. 111. There can be seen at the stand - of Bulpitt and Sons, Ltd., Swansea VVorks, Birmingham, a Wiles Smith...
Stand No. 112. The Mesta Steel Works, Ltd.., Sheffield display a comprehensive collection of specimens of their well-known...
Stand No. 127. Starters, dynamos and lighting equipment are exhibited by the Rotax Motor Accessories Co., Willesden, London,...
Stand No. 212. Th Hoffmann Manufacturing Co., e Chelnaaford, exhibit a 'full range of Hoffmann steel balls • and rollers, and...
Stand No. 123. R. D. Nicol and Co., Ltd., Prudential Buildings, Sheffield, show various lubricants, including Dragonfly W.2....
Stand No. 149. Engelhert and Co., 119, Finsbury Pavement, London, E.G., display• a variety of their well-known lubricants and...
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Stand No. 147. The Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., Caxton "louse, Westminster, has an interesting display of the well-known and much...
Stand No. 190. This company exhibit a complete range of file well-known carburetter, parts and fittings. There are also...
, Stand No. 131. II. M. Hobson Ltd., 27, Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, S.W., exhibit types of the well-known Claudel-Hobson...
. Stand No. 154: Co.,td., Belmont Works, Battersea, '*1I, exhibit lubricants forain types of engines and lubricants fek...
Stand No. 162. • Brown Bros., Ltd., Great Eastern Street, London, E.O. This ciernpanY have, as usual, a very ,extensive...
Stand No. 153. The Hoyt, Metal Co., of Great Britain, Ltd. Deodar Road, Putney, London, S.W. 15, display standard brands of...
Stand No. 209. Ripaulte, Ltd., St. Pancras, London, N.W. 1, have an interesting exhibit mainly of sparking plugs and...
Stand No. 191. This company have a unique collection of engine, parts on view. There are also finished bushes, bearings, pump...
Stand No. 137. The display of sparking plugs shown by the Apollo Plug Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Moseley Street, Birmingham, in...
Stand No. 138. The Anglo - American Oil Co. a Ltd., 36, Queen Anne's Gate, London, S.W., exhibit equipment for bulk storage...
Stand No. 135. Vickers, Ltd., Vickers House, Broadway, London_ S.W. 1, exhibita large selection of fitgings, stampings,...
Stand No. 139. The Coventry Chain Co., Coventry, display auxiliary drives by noiseless inverted tooth chains including chain...
Stand No. 164. Nortlgand Sons, Ltd., Watford, show standard models of Watford magnates, and also a new model magneto, in which...
Stand No. 125. In starting and lighting equipment the products of Brolt, Ltd., of Oldbury, are well known and extensively...
. Stand No. 160. This company dhow the well-known bearings of this make, comprising self. aligning single-row annular and...
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Stand No. 116. Various models of the Degory No-jet carburetter, which is transformable from a vertical accessory to a...
Stand No. 157. Now that, the winter months will be coming, many users will be faced with the difficulty of keeping their...
Stand No. 163.• • Hall and Halt, Ltd. 47, Leadenhail Street, London, E.C., have a comprehensive display of the original...
Stand No. 146. Cooper, 1 7 Volab-Jones 8,1 - f1 Co., Stockwell Works, Walsall, exhibit a complete range of body fittings for...
Stand No. 132. This company display a commereial chassis, a four-ton Hallford with Ronald chain drive to each wheel, each...
Stand No, 145. An interesting display is made by the Cooper, Stewart Engineering Co., 11, Broad Street, Bloomsbury, London,...
Stand No. 182. The tyre exhibits of this Warrin:gtaa concern include Se. Helens solid t'y'res and St. Helens super-resilient...
Stand No. 175. Wood-Milne, Ltd., 42, Wigmere Street, London, W. the well-known rulo•her and tyre manufacturing concern,...
Stand No. 192. • . The Anglo-Mexica.n Petroleum Co., (kerosene and spirit 4.op;orilment), 16, bineleury Circus, London, E.C....
Stand No. 155. • The Gas. Lighting Improvement Co., Ltd., Salisbury House, Landon,.E.C., eXhibit empty packages used to...
Stand No. 136. Self-measuring, metering, filtering pumps for petrol and oils arranged to discharge in predetermined quantities...
Stand No. 120. Loo Swain and Co. 237, Deansgate, Manchester, show the Swam all-British solid bound tyres as extensively used,...
Stand No. 134. A mast comprehensive range of accessories is shown on this well-known company's stand. These include combined...
Stand No. 161. Six types of engine are on view on the stand of this well-known Stafford engine makers. These include type...
Stand No. 148. With the device exhibited by this coinpany, petrol is automatically cut off when it reaches the desired level...
Stand No. 159. The Shell Marketing-Co., Ltd. Victar-y House, Kings-way, London, h ave on view replicas of presentation models,...
Stand No. 144. J. & R. Oldfield, Ltd., Birmingham, dis play as a leading feature the dependance model -de luxe side lamp. This...
Stand No. 114. • All those who take aninterest, in the spic-and-span appearance of their drivers. we recommend to visit the...
Stand NO, 110. The exhibit of this company consists of measuring pumps and apparatus for distribution of petrol. benzoie '...
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Stand No, 166. The principal exhibit of the Kirkstall Forge, Ltd., Leeds, consists of the Butler-Davis patent back axle made...
Stand No. 207. • This well-known concern of engine makers supply their product to a large unanber of commercial vehicle...
Stand No. 210. A . series of bearings are on view on this stand, including single-row, doublerow, and combined radial thrust...
Stand No. 124. . The Spiral Tube and Cemponente Co., King's Gross, London, N.1, exhibit examples of complete radiations made...
Stand No. 122. The Imperial Motor Industries, Ltd., 11, Denmark Street, London, W., have an interesting and representative...
stand No. 142. There is an excellent display here of the company's all-British magnetos for heavy vehicles. Various models are...
Stand No.187. Castings of various descriptions are displayed on this company's stand, incluning iron caatings for cylinders,...
Stand No. 152. This concern have a well-established reputation for magneto; and their models for commercial vehicles shown...
Stand No. 193. The motor oils made by this company are in five grades, and they are displayed on the stand, these being No. 1...
Dominions. Stand No, 117. The question of insurance should be of great concern to all commercial vehicle owners, and for this...
Stand No. 126. The motor vehicle insurance prospectuses and. policies displayed on this stand will be of interest to...
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Stand No. 189. • Rabat W. Goan ' 219, Goswell Road, London, B.C. 1, Ms on view specimens of his general work in aluminium...
Stand No. 167. Lamps of special design. to fulfil service requirements of all types of commercial vehicles are exhibited here....
Stand No. 208. This display is a very . representative . one of all-British magnetos, and the British Lighting and Ignition...
Stand No. 140. Patent anti-attrition bronze and white bronze specialities consisting of big-end connecting rod bearings,...
Stand No. 113. This company exhibit a fall range of their lubricant specialities of every dares for commercial. vehicles....
Stand No. 202. Don brakes and, clutch linings have a great reputatien in the cemanercialvehicle world, for they have proved...
Stand No. 206. , The Titan sparking plugs are shown here ' including sections which show the high quality sections the...
Stand No. 115. A very wide range of accessories ot considerable value to commercial vehicle users is shown on this company's...
Stand No. 195. • Car and General Insurance"-Carponetion, Ltd., Pall Mall, London, display their comprehensive insurance...
Stand No. 211. • brown, Bayley's Steel Works, Ltd., Sheffield . , exhibit articles manufactured by themselves, also articles...
Stand No. 143. A wide selection of machine tools and engineers' hand tools suitable for commercial vehicle repair work is...
Stand No. 204. The National 13enzole Co., Ltd., SO, Grosvener. Gardens, London, S.W., display samples of this well-known fuel,...
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Stand No. 186. The famous tyre concern of Dunlop show cord casing in large sizes. These tyres are moulded on flatebese rims...
Stand No. 174. Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., 20, Christopher Street, Finsbury Square, London, E.C. 2, exhibit their...
Stand No, 128. There is on view on the stand of the Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd., 19, Newman. Street, London W. 1, a...
Stand No. 129. On the stand of Chas. Macintosh and Co., Ltd., 120, Wilton Road, London, S.W., attention may he called to the...
Stand No. 169. The. Clincher solid tyros in great variety made by the North British Rubber Co., Ltd., Edinburgh, are to be...
Stand No. 172. The chief specialities of the Goodyear Tyro and Rubber Co., Ltd., 162, Shaftes. bury Avenue London, W. '...
Stand No. 176. This company, with head offices at Market liarbore, are showing solid tyres for commercial vehicles of all...
Stand No. 184. Band tyres and wood wheels comprise the chief features of this company's exhibit, the former are for use on...
Stand No. 183. George Spencer Moulton and Co., Ltd., 42-46, Wigmore Street, London, W., have representative display of...
Stand No. 180. There are to be seen,, on the stand of W. and A. Bates, Ltd., Leicester, the highest-quality rubber band tyres...
Stand No. 185. This well-known American concern exhibit Nobby giant card pneumatics; of which type the company claim to beithe...
Stand No. 173. The Midland Rubber Co., Ltd., of Birmingham, have a typical selection of their well-known tyres, the range of...
Stand No. 181. Pirelli, Ltd., 144, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.G., show their wellknown solid tyre made on the laminated...
Stand No. 150. This company exhibit oases and tins for Nos. 1 and 3 spirit, and the methods of storing and transporting these...
Stand No. 171. The Michelin Tyre Co., Ltd., Fulham Road, Landon, S.W., exhibit pneumatic tyres for heavy vehicles. The chief...
Stand No. 179. B. F. Goodrich Co. ' Ltd., 117, Golden Lane. London, E.C. All varieties of the -well-known Goodrich tyres are...
Stand No. 170. The display of tyres Shown by the Be NeYers Tyre Co., Ltd., Eirlsfleld, London, S.W., comprise several types of...
Stand No. 178. The Shrewsburyand Challiner Tyro Go-a, Ardwick, llfanchester, eithibit comprises an interesting display of...
Stand No. 177. The tyres shown by the Bergougnan Tyre Co., 14, Warwick Street, London, Vs., are all types which earned a high...
Stand No. 200. Three examples of B.T.C. gearboxes. made under Dux patents, suitable for heavy vehicles, vans up to 2 ton...
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Types of Springs Where Improvements Have Been Effected. Double Cantilever Springs and Their Possibilities. I T IS SOMEWHAT...
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The Show in " Tabloid." Develop Not ad Departures. Things that Should sed. T UBULAR framework once again—but this time the...
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Olympia, London, Houses the Most Comprehensive Gathering of Goods and Passengercarrying Vehicles Ever Brought Together. A FTER...
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Single Deck Bus. Tip Wagon. K Type Lorry. Chassis. STAND No. 27. V EHICLES of A.E.C. manufacture are very popular ainonget,...
25 cwt. Chassis. Lorry: STAND No. 48. T NTERESTING features of the . Albion exhibit are the three examples of the new 20...
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6 ton Platform Lorry. STAND No. 102. A AIONGST THE steam exhibits, one of the most interesting is certainly the six ton...
Motor Coach. Chassis. Tractor. Trailer. STAND No. 59. T HE UNIT around which design of all Austin productions is framed is...
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Four-wheeled Parcelcar. Three-wheeled Parcelcar. STAND iVo. 72. Patrol-goods. Load. Platform Spaoe. Tyres. Price. newt. ......
Convertible Lorry Char-a-banes. Chassis. STAND No. 82. British Agents: British-Amerioan Import Co., Ltd., 115, Fulham Road,...
Delivery Vans. Taxicabs. Chassis. STAND No. 75. A recent addition to the ranks of Scottish industrial vehicles, the...
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12 cwt. Delivery Van. Taxicab. STA1VD No. 77. Petrol•goods. Load. Platform Space. Tyres. Price, nz eat. ... 5 ft. 4 ins....
4 ton Chain-driven Lorry. STAND No. 74. British _agents: L. C. Rawlence and Co., Ltd., 40, &marine Street, London, W. 1, A...
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Platform Lorry. 51 ion Chassis. STAND No. 31. British Agents Societe Des Automobiles Brasier, 7742, High Street, Maryleboite,...
Single-deck Saloon Bus. 4-ton Chassis. STAND No. 88. _ rIPHE BRISTOL exhibit, consisting, as 'it -does, eof .a new chassis...
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Tip Wagon. Road Tractor. Chassis. Lorry. STAND No. 42. BriLish Agents: British Berna Motor Lorries, Ltd., Guildford. T HE...
I ton Lorry. 30 cwt. Chassis. Tip Wagon. Farm Tractor. STAND No. 81. British Agents: H. C. Burford and Co., Ltd., 16, Regent...
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Motor Coach. ,6 ton Chassis. Tip Wagon. STAND No. 36. *Example exhibited at Olympia. Cateden Motors, Ltd., Duke Street,...
Tip Wagon. 3 ton Chassis. STAND No. 22. T HERE are not many chain-driven vehicles in the Show this year, in spite of the...
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5 ton Tip Wagon. New Undertype Steamer. STAND No. 18. A S WE anticipated, the Clayton stand is a great attraction. The new...
Motor Coach. Chassis. Box Van. Tilt Van. STAND No. 55. 1 1 3 11E STAND occupied by this well' known Luton company is proving...
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Motor Coach. Single-deck Sus. Tip Wagon. STAND No. 73. Makers: The riainfier Co., Ltd., Daimler Works, Coventry . rrHE...
341 ton Lorry Chassis. , Sweeping and Watering Vehicle. STAND No. 45. British agents: Da Dion.Bouton, Ltd., 10, Great...
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3i-4 ton Lorry. Four-wheel Drive Tractor. STAND No. 83. British Agents : Delaumay-Belleville Automobiles, Ltd., Carlton Vale....
Fire-engine. Box Van, Motor Coach. Single.cleck Bus. STAND No. 49. T HE EXHIBITS staged by this company are most...
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Motor Coach. Lorry. 2 ton Chassis. STAND No. 37. A VEHICLE which has made its debut at the Show is the new DennisPortland,...
Motor Coach. Box Van. Tip Wagon, STAND No.A1,32. T HREE exhibits by Enfield-Allday Motors, Ltd., are found on Stand No. 32,...
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Motor Coach. Ambulance. Chassis. Taxicab. STAND No. 33. British Agent Fiat Motors, Ltd., 5, Albemarle Street, London, W....
5-ton Rubber-tyred Steam Wagon. STAND, No. 3. T HE OLD ORIGINAL, born goodness knows when, and still going strong, Foden, is...
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30 cwt. Lorry, STAND No. 79. 13rit1sh Agents: Willys•Overland, Ltd., 151.154 Great Portland Street, London, W. 1. W...
Electric Lorry. Steam Tractor. Steam Wagon. Trailer. STAND No. 24. A MOST comprehensive series of exhibits is shown on the...
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1 tea Chassis, Farm Tractor. STAND No. 50. British Agents: Altoona Motor Co., Ltd., 75412 . , Brampton Road, London, 8.W.3....
STAND No. 21. Makers: General Vehleie Co., Ltd., Hay Mills, Birmingham. THIS EXHIBIT comprises a 5 ton 1 standard chassis, a...
Mail Van, Light Van. STAND No. 99. Makers: G. W. K. (1911), Ltd., CordwaIles Work% Maidenhead. rr WO SMART little vehicles...
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Single-deck Bus. Tip Wagon. STAND No. 30. O N this stand are found a fine single. deck omnibus of the Chester type and a 2i...
Meat Van. Removal Van. Chassis. Tip Wagon. STAND No. 57. - VITEN the keenest critic of chain drive 124 cannot fail to be...
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2 ton and 5 ton Chassis STAND No. 105. British Agents: Richard Thynne and Co., eta, 15-17, Eldon Street, London, E.0.2. T HE...
2 ton Chassis, STAND No. 7, British Agents: Lindsay and Co., 77-70, St. Anne Street, 'Liverpool. T HE HUFFMAN chassis has...
Farm Tractor , Lorry. STAND No. 19. British Agents: International Harvester co., ot Great Britain, Ltd., 80, Finsbury...
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Motor Coach. Tip Wagon. 3A-Ton Chassis. STAND No. 29. T HE Halley Co. continue to confine their attention to one type of...
Motor Coach. "road Sweeper, Specimen Bodies. STAND No. 47. Pr HE Karrier exhibits on Stand :No. 47 are this year of more...
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Fire-engine. Single-deck Bus. Platform Lorry. Motor Coach. STAND No. 44. T HERE IS probably no need for us to remind...
Tip wagon. 5 ton Platform Wagon, STAND No, 16. Steam-goods. Load. Platform Space. Tyres. Price. '3 tons ... 1111.. 0 in....
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Motor Coach. Lorry. 25 cwt. Chassis. STAND No. 17. British Agents: Maxwell Motors, Ltd., 116, Great Portland Street, London,...
4 ton Chassis. Saloon Bus. STAND No. 85. T HE new chassis produced by this I company is creating a considerable amount of...
1 ton Lorry. 50 cwt. Lorry. STAND No. 26. British Agents: Seabrooke Bros., 57, Great Eastern Street, London, E.C. T HE NAME...
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Motor Coach, 6 ton Chassis Tip Wagon, STAND No. 54. Petrol-goods. Load_ Platform Space. Tyres. Price. 2 tons ... 1251. 4...
3 1 1, ton Electric Tip Wagon. STAND No. 71. ElsotrIc-goods. Loan. Platform Space. Tyres. Price. -ra , ,e tons ... 1011....
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1 ton Chassis. Samson Tractor. Lorry. STAND / No. 76. British Agents : General Motors, Ltd., 1.4, Thurlaa Place, Landon,...
2 ton Chassis. Kardell Tractor. 2 ton Converting Unit. STAND No. 23. Britieb Agents: Bramoo, Ltd., 2 Radford Fields, St....
Tip Wagon. Platform Truck. Electric Chassis. STAND No. 90. D ANsontEs, SIMS AND. JEF FERIES, LTD., Ipswich, display Ilectric...
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Motor Coach. Tip Wagon. 3 ton Chassis. STAND No. 86: T HERE IS much to interest on this stand, because the makers gain their...
Motor Coach. 4 ton Chassis STAND No. 20. M ANY PEOPLE have remarked upon the fine appearance. presented by the Palladium...
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30 cwt. Chassis. 313 cwt. Delivery Van. STAND No. 87. British Agents: W. and O. Du Cross, Ltd., The Vale. Acton, London, W....
. Steam Tractor. ton Steam Wagon. STAND No. 90. Steam-goods. * 5 taus 1; ft, tin. SIG° fOr 670 — BO for 850T * 8 Tract.or...
1 ton Chassis. 5 ton Chassis. 7 inn Platform Chassis. STAND No. 34. pOPR VEHICLES are shown on this 'stand—a 15,8-Inp. one...
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Motor Coach. 5 ton Chassis. STAND No. 52. BLUM A g enis: The W. C. Gaunt Co., 198, Piccadilly, Landon, W. T HIS make of...
S ton Steam Wagon. STAND R OBBY AND CO. Ltd., have wisely concentrated the energies of their steam wagon factory on to one...
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Single-deck Bus. 50-40 Cwt. Chassis. STAND No. 8. BALLA Agentd: Republic Trucks, Ltd., 31-82, Dolsover Street, London, W.1....
25-cwt Chassis. 30-cwt, Chassis. STAND No. 100. British Agents: Automobile Supply Co., 413, Dover Stroud, Piccadilly,...
Tip Wagon. Lorry= 2.-ton Chassis., STAND No. 61 Slalom: Societe Anonyms Adolphe sourer, Aileen, Switzerland, O NE OF the...
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Six-wheeled Tractor-lorry. STAND No. 89. Petrol-goods. Load. Platform Space. Tyres. Price. *8 tons ... 16 It Din. S900 by...
Undertype Steamer. Tip Wagon. Eight Ton Wagon. Tank Wagon. STAND No. 70. T HE SENTINEL Co.'s exhibit is in the nature of a...
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Tip Wagon. Chassis. Delivery Van. STAND No. 46. f\N this stand are exhibited four ax LF of Star cowman-ear vehielee, all...
SO-35 cwt. Chassis. "Shop on Wheels" Lorry. STAND No. 60. r WO 30-35 ewt. vehicles comprise the Selclen exhibits shown by...
Farm Tractor., Chassis. STAND No. 84. A RANGE of Stewart chassis is marketed in. this country, and of le five models for...
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2-ton Van. Single-deck Bus. Motor Coach. Tip Wagon. STAND No: 56. • R EPRESENTING the famous Basing stoke factory of...
STAND No. 53. "Example exhibited at 0/yiripia. Tilting-Stevens Motors, Ltd., Maidstone, Kent. THE PETROL-VILECTRIC chassis...
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50-40 cwt. Tip Wago STAND No. 1. British Agents! Werth-Western Motors, Ltd., Mersey Chambers, Covert Garden, Liverpool. T "...
• STAND Ni). 28. British Agents: Unio Motors, Ltd., 15 Brewer Street, Buckingham Palate Road, London, S.W. VEVE examples of...
Lorry. Delivery Van Cha STAND No. 6. British Agents: F. C. R. Browne. Ltd., 13, Duke • Street, S.W. 1. T HERE are very few...
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30 . Cwt. Chassis. Tilt Van. STAND No. 78. British Agents: Vinot pars, Ltd., 147-149, Great Portland Street, Lqndon, W. 1....
50 Cwt. Van. Motor Coach. Tip Wagon. Station Bus. STAND No. 51. Petrol-goods. Load. Platform Space. Tyres. Price. "30 cwt....
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Station Bus. • Motor Coach. 50 cwt. Chassis with tip body. STAND No. 43. Britt8h Agents Richmond Motor Lorries. Ltd., 212,...
Motor Coach. W.D. Type Lorry. Tip Wagon. Tilt Van, STAND No. 35. "T O THOSE VISITORS who are interested in motor vehicles...
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Rubber-tyred. . Steam Tractor. ,STAND No. 103. Steam-goods. Load. Platform Space. Tyree Price. *Tractor .Rubber * — Example...
3 ton End Tipping Steam Wagon. STAND No. 10. Steam-goods. Load. Platform Space. T3703. Price. 3 tons ... 121b. Sin. S 4 tone...
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Chassis STAND No,. 80. ' British agents: whiting, Ltd., 33 4 -1 4 0, EuSten Road, London, N.W. 1. A MOST comprehensive...
Excellent Work. Remarkable Designs. COME PARTICULARLY nice work is J to be seen in the body section, the coachbuilders having...
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By R. T. Nicholson (Author of "The Book of the Ford "). A !. ND now Jet us deal with the important subject of petrol economy....
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• TEN SHILLINGS is paid to the sender of any letter which we publish on this page, and an EXTRA FIVE SHILLINGS to the sender of...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patents. Caterpillar Tractors, Ltd., describe in specification. No. 150;455, a transmission...